Knight – Templar – D&D 3.5

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The Templar stood alone at the gates of the besieged monastery. These foul heretics were coming in waves trying to get past him.

He had swore an oath to stand his vigil against any trespasser to this most holy site. So he stood, wave after wave breaking on his shield.

Their evil sorcerers had tried to curse him, yet his will was unflinching. Through his unwavering faith he rebuked their dark magic.

But as steadfast as he was, he was alone. The heretics were innumerable in their camp – and he would falter eventually at this rate, which would leave bare the innocents to who-knew-what evils. No, the Order would send reinforcements in time…

In a dreamlike moment, he looked beyond the valley where those evildoers had made camp. And on the horizon stood a beautiful woman, he stared warily. She was clad in somber armor, riding a pale horse. As he blinked in disbelief, she was gone.

“No time for daydreaming,” he said to himself loudly.

That’s when he noticed. The camp in the valley was oddly quiet. The waves ceased.

He went down to investigate, it was as if the mists had devoured all the heretics. The camp was still there, but they were gone. Beyond the structures, only the strong smell of roses floated in the air, and black petals laid on the ground.

Those petals were as a soft blanket which muffled the Templar’s footsteps…




Knight 10/Templar 10

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 10/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 14/Cha 14 Skills: Knowledge(Religion) 4


A Longsword, a Heavy Steel Shield, a Holy Symbol and the best armor you can afford.


You are neither a Paladin nor a Blackguard, but you stand strongly somewhere between the two.

Loyal towards your Deity, you can shrug off effects that could end virtually anyone else. Although you can only cast a limited amount of spells, your list is surprisingly good.

Your ability to deal damage is decent, but what you really are is a battlefield controller. Between Goad, Stand Still, your Knight’s Challenges and Bulwark of Defense, you are a tank’s tank.

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1Knight14Weapon Focus(Longswo rd), True BelieverFighting Challenge +1, Knight’s Challenge, Knight’s Code
2Knight1d12+2Mounted CombatShield Block +1
3Knight1d12+2Power AttackBulwark of Defense
4Knight1d12+2Armor Mastery(Mediu m), Test of Mettle, +1 Str
5Knight1d12+2Great FortitudeVigilant Defender
6Pious Templar1d10+2Stand StillMettle
7Pious Templar1d10+2Smite 1/Day
8Pious Templar1d10+2Weapon Specialization(L ongsword)DR 1/-, +1 Str
9Pious Templar1d10+2Improved Shield Bash, Improved Initiative
10Pious Templar1d10+2
11Pious Templar1d10+2Smite 2/Day
12Pious Templar1d10+2GoadDR 2/-, +1 Str
13Pious Templar1d10+2Improved Bullrush
14Pious Templar1d10+2
15Pious Templar1d10+2Shock TrooperSmite 3/Day
16Knight1d12+2Shield Ally, +1 Str
17Knight1d12+2Fighting Challenge +2
18Knight1d12+2EnduranceCall to Battle
19Knight1d12+2Armor Mastery(Heavy)
20Knight1d12+2Diehard+1 Str
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