Jester – The Many Faced One – D&D 3.5

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The Many Faced One

“Then, who are you, really?” Finally asked the scribe as he rubbed his flowing white beard, pensively.

With a wistful tone, the Lord Banker replied, “As you can imagine, living so many lives can make things…” A long pause, “hard to remember at some point. I was so many people…”

“A gladiator, who worked for the criminal underworld as a bruiser,” he said, as he removed yet another mask to now have the face of a tough, rugged man with many scars.

“I was a drug dealer, nicknamed the Angel,” he continued, and removed yet another face. ‘He’ now took on a semi-angelic, androgenous face with platinum tones.

As he spoke, he continued to remove faces – masks – the Scribe growing more unsettled with each passing moment, “I was behind a secret thug organization. Mastermind of the terrorists who blew up the King’s treasury. Even battle master of this here arena.” With a weak grin on his face, “I was every person with any ounce of importance in this city.”

He let out a sigh.

“But I suppose, all of this was merely to escape who I truly was,” he continued, as he removed his final mask, “a clown, and a murderer…”

The Scribe, completely oblivious to what was happening around them, finally saw the real face of the man he once thought a friend.


Half-Elf Godblooded of Vecna


Jester 5/Swashbuckler 3/Half-Elf Paragon 2/Master of Masks 10 (1 LA Buyback)

Ability Score

Str 14/Dex 14/Con 10/Int 16/Wis 8/Cha 15


Bluff 8, Disguise 8, Perform(Act) 8, Perform(Comedy)


Shortsword, Whip, Light Crossbow, Chainshirt, Heavy Shield, an Elven Courtblade


You can do it all. You can cast spells reliably, fight well both in melee and ranged. You’re also a capable scout, face, and even support.

It all depends on the combination of masks you wear at the time. With the gladiator mask you can use an Elven Courtblade. Which will enable you to use both weapon finesse and power attack with two hands.

That’s only one of your seven masks, each with a variety of abilities ranging from sneak attack to spell-like abilities and boosting your caster levels.

Also, Master of Masks is one of my favorite PrCs in 3.5, and it fits so well with Jester that I had to make such a build.

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1Swashbuckler10Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise
2Jester1d6Jester’s Audacity, Jester’s Performance, Fascinate, Inspiring Quip
3Half-Elf Paragon1d8Versatile Performer, Improved TripDivided Ancestry, Elven Vision
4Half-Elf Paragon1d8Persuasion, +1 Cha
5Swashbuckler1d10Grace +1
6Swashbuckler1d10Imperious CommandInsightful Strike
7Master of Masks1d6Persona Masks (Jester’s Mask, Assassin’s Mask)
8Master of Masks1d6Lord’s Mask, +1 Cha
9Master of Masks1d6Combat PanacheMask Specialist, Angel’s Mask
10Master of Masks1d6
11Master of Masks1d6Many Faces(2, Move), Gladiator’s Mask
12Master of Masks1d6Power AttackHidden Mask, +1 Cha
13Master of Masks1d6Faceless’s Mask
14Master of Masks1d6Many Faces(3, Swift)
15Master of Masks1d6Improved DisarmArchmage’s Mask
16Master of Masks1d6Many Faces(4, Immediate), +1 Cha
17Jester1d6Deflect Arrow
18Jester1d6Improved FeintTaunt
20Jester1d6Snatch ArrowJester’s Audacity +2, +1 Cha
The Many Faced One
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