Fighter – The Warlord – D&D 3.5

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The Warlord

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The Warlord

The old man was weaving his net on his porch, looking up at the magnificent castle up the hill. His young sons playing with their wooden swords.

One screamed, “No, I am the Warlord!” This evoked a smile from the old man.

“Pa’ tell us about the Warlord of the Castle again. Is it true that she is fair, yet a great warrior?” The other, younger of his sons, piped up.

The old man sat back and took a long, thoughtful, draw on his pipe.

“Oh yes son. She is. I saw her once. She is as fair, as she is strong. She is the strongest warrior in the realm, the peak of what a human can ever achieve.”

He stopped, and remembered, when the village ten years ago was attacked by roaming bandits. It was common then, normal even.

He himself was about to be slain, when he saw the imposing figure walk past him. At the time he thought he was done for, but he looked up, and saw her.

She was standing alone against wave upon wave of bandits. Nearly overwhelmed by the tides she was, he then heard the sound of a hundred men at arms. All of them arriving to the help of the young warlady, standing as a wall of shields.

And as his sons dreamed to one day become warlords themselves, the old man continued to wistfully grin. As he remembered how he had once instructed her on how to use a sword and an axe in tandem…




Fighter 4/Human Paragon 3/Warmaster 10/Legendary Leader 3 Str 17/Dex 13/Con 10/Int 10/Wis 8/Cha 16


Diplomacy, Tumble


Longsword, Shield, and the best armor you can afford.


You are everything a human fighter should aspire to be. You are not only a strong melee fighter, but also the paragon of what being human means. With the ability to fight in a variety of styles, you are also a true leader of men with your own private army of devoted followers. Even your own castle, as you stand as the stalwart defender of the innocents. You can dart across the battlefield, attacking various key targets while always keeping an eye on the battlefield as a whole, ready to intercept any problem at a moment’s notice.

1Human Paragon8Iron Will, Force of PersonalityAdaptable Learning
2Human Paragon1d8Power Attack
3Human Paragon1d8+3Dodge+2 Con
4Fighter1d10+1Weapon Focus(Longswo rd)+1 Str
7Fighter1d10+1Weapon Specialization(L ongsword)
8Legendary Leader1d8+1+1 Str, Fearless, Hero’s Luck +1, Natural Commander, Legendary Reputation
9Legendary Leader1d8+1Spring AttackGreater Command 1/Day, Quick Rally
10Warmaster1d10+1Brotherhood, Leadership +1
11Warmaster1d10+1Battle Cry
12Warmaster1d10+1Improved InitiativeDirect Troops, Leadership +2
13Warmaster1d10+1Tower, Rally Troops
14Warmaster1d10+1Hard March, Leadership +3
15Warmaster1d10+1Bounding AssaultKeep
16Warmaster1d10+1Battle Standard, Leadership +4
18Warmaster1d10+1Rapid BlitzDie for your country, Leadership +5
19Warmaster1d10+1Huge Castle
20Legendary Leader1d8+1Extra FollowersHero’s Luck +2
The Warlord
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