Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend – D&D 3.5

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Ghoul Blend

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Ghoul Blend

The Undead army made its way slowly towards the capital.

The Free City having been destroyed, the Dread Emperor marched his armies toward the Capital of the Fallois, a country as weak as their pitiful king. 

Those insipid fools would soon no longer stand in his way – and with them crushed beneath his undead hoard, none would resist.

In the air atop his zombie dragon, he glanced groundward with a smirk crossing his decrepit face, the swarming zombies and skeletons made their way slowly toward his final goal.

His smile, better described as a grimace, shed rotten flesh from his jowls.

Soon, his victory shall be complete.




Dread Necromancer 20

Ability Scores

Str 14/Dex 11/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 17


Bluff, Hide, Spellcraft


A Scythe, A Chain Shirt (eventually a Mithral Full Plate)


Dread Necromancers are an extremely potent class of spontaneous arcane casters. Although they specialize virtually solely on Necromancy(duh), their ability to know all their spell list and cast any spell on it spontaneously makes them surprisingly versatile.

All the Undead Creation Feats amplify their Animate Dead spell making even a single skeleton a dangerous foe. By level 20, you become a Lich for free. Besides all the (insane) benefits of being a Lich, you gotta remember that you created your lich (yourself), meaning all those creation feats apply to you as well.

1Dread Necromancer8Tomb-Tainted Soul, Battle CasterCharnel Touch, Rebuke Undead
2Dread Necromancer1d6+2Lich Body DR 2
3Dread Necromancer1d6+2Medium Armor ProficiencyNegative Energy Burst 1/Day
4Dread Necromancer1d6+2Advanced Learning, Mental Bastion +2, +1 Cha
5Dread Necromancer1d6+2Fear Aura
6Dread Necromancer1d6+2CorpsecrafterScabrous Touch 1/Day
7Dread Necromancer1d6+2Lich Body DR 4, Summon Familiar
8Dread Necromancer1d6+2Advanced Learning, Negative Energy Burst 2/Day, Undead Mastery, +1 Cha
9Dread Necromancer1d6+2Destruction RetributionNegative Energy Resistance
10Dread Necromancer1d6+2Light Fortification 25%
11Dread Necromancer1d6+2Lich Body DR 6, Scabrous Touch 2/Day
12Dread Necromancer1d6+2Deadly ChillAdvanced Learning, Enervating Touch, +1 Cha
13Dread Necromancer1d6+2Negative Energy Burst 3/Day
14Dread Necromancer1d6+2Mental Bastion +4
15Dread Necromancer1d6+2Hardened FleshLich Body DR 8
16Dread Necromancer1d6+2Advanced Learning, Scabrous Touch 3/Day, +1 Cha
17Dread Necromancer1d6+2Enervating Touch, Light Fortification 50%
18Dread Necromancer1d6+2Nimble BonesNegative Energy Burst 4/Day
19Dread Necromancer1d6+2Craft Wondrous Items
20Dread NecromancerLoses all previous HP, gets 19d12+12Advanced Learning, Lich Transformation, +2 Int, Wis, +3 Cha
Ghoul Blend
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