Dragonfire Adept – Dragon’s Heir – D&D 3.5

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Dragon’s Heir

He could not believe it. The Dragonborn, a member of a long monastic tradition dedicated to Bahamut, was about to participate in the slaughter of an entire city.

But, even his lord, Bahamut the platinum dragon, ultimately bowed to Io, the Dragon Lord. And so he too, like his lord, would preserve balance. Not that he had to like it.

As he looked towards the city, he joined his hands in prayers. The city had to burn, but maybe the citizens didn’t have to, Bahamut help him save as many lives as possible…


Dragonborn of Bahamut Human


Dragonfire Adept 7/Monk 3/Dragon Descendant 10

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 10/Con 17/Int 8/Wis 16/Cha 8


Concentration 8


If you guessed nothing, you are beginning to understand how Dragonfire Adept works.


Mixing Monk and Dragonfire Adept and the Prestige Class of Dragon Descendant makes for a terrifyingly versatile combo. Dragon Descendants can host draconic ancestor spirits in them to enhance their combat capabilities in a wide variety of ways, and while your breath weapon is fairly weak, you can also eldritch blast, flurry of blows, fly, and do all kinds of crazy things.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Dragonfire Adept 12 Dragontouched, Improved Initiative Breath Weapon 1d6, See the Unseen
2 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Sickening Breath, Scales +2
3 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Breath Weapon 2d6, Aquatic Adaptation
4 Monk 1d8+7 Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike AC Bonus(Wis), Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike 1d6, +1 Con
5 Monk 1d8+4 Combat Reflexes Evasion
6 Monk 1d8+4 Superior Unarmed Strike Still Mind, Unarmed 1d8, +10 Speed
7 Dragon Descendant 1d8+4 Monk Abilities, Rampaging Ancestor, Unarmed 1d10
8 Dragon Descendant 1d8+4 Ancestral Lore, +1 Con, +1 AC
9 Dragon Descendant 1d8+4 Improved Natural Attacks Subtle Ancestor, Unarmed 2d8, +10 Speed
10 Dragon Descendant 1d8+4 Slippery Mind
11 Dragon Descendant 1d8+4 Eldritch Ancestor
12 Dragon Descendant 1d8+16 Quicken Breath Unarmed 3d8, Rapid Calling, +1 Con, +10 Speed
13 Dragon Descendant 1d8+5 Enduring Ancestor, +1 AC
14 Dragon Descendant 1d8+5 Detect Dragonblood
15 Dragon Descendant 1d8+5 Zen Archer Ancient Ancestor, +10 Speed, Unarmed 4d8
16 Dragon Descendant 1d8+5 Double Synthesis, +1 Con
17 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+5 Dragonkin
18 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+5 Ability Focus(Breath Weapon) Breath Weapon 3d6, Shape Breath
19 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+5 DR 2/Magic,
20 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+25 Breath Weapon 4d6, +1 Con


Dragon's Heir, Dragon Heir
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