Dragonfire Adept – Dragon Cultist – D&D 3.5

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Dragon Cultist

As the platinum broom in his monk was praying next to her, the woman wearing an unholy symbol of Tiamat smirked. These filthy Bahamut worshippers were being awfully silent for once and she was much pleased with it. But, at the same time, she too was uneasy. She crossed her arms.

Slaughtering an entire city was well within her mistress’ idea of a fun day, but having to do it to please Io was another. Maybe the platinum had a point after all. She too began to pray in silence. Not to save the city per say, but to annoy Io in some cosmic way or another.




Dragonfire Adept 7/Cleric 3/Eldritch Disciple 10

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 10/Con 16/Int 8/Wis 10/Cha 15


Knowledge(Religion) 8, Knowledge(The Planes) 4


A Unholy Symbol. A Heavy Mace.


So Dragonfire Adepts qualify for Warlock Prestige Classes by virtue of being Invocation users. Multiclass with Cleric to shenanigan Persistent Divine Power and now you are a war machine with a High BAB, a powerful breath weapon and access to both high level cleric spells and invocations and draconic flight to wreck absolute havoc on the battlefield.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Dragonfire Adept 12 Dragontouched, Dynamic Priest(Cleric) Breath Weapon 1d6, See the Unseen
2 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Lightning Breath, Scales +2
3 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Ability Focus(Breath Weapon) Breath Weapon 2d6, Aquatic Adaptation
4 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Dragonkin, +1 Cha
5 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Breath Weapon 3d6, Shape Breath
6 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Lightning Reflexes DR 2/Magic, Draconic Flight
7 Dragonfire Adept 1d8+3 Breath Weapon 4d6
8 Cleric 1d8+3 Augment Summoning Domains: Dragon Below, Dragon, Rebuke Undeads, +1 Con
9 Cleric 1d8+3 Extend Spell
10 Cleric 1d8+3
11 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+3 Gift of the Divine Patron(Fearful Gaze), Walk Unseen
12 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+15 Persistent Spell +1 Con, Breath Weapon 5d6
13 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+4
14 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+4 Gift of the Divine Patron(Fiendish Resistance), Breath Weapon 6d6, Terrifying Roar
15 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+4 Divine Metamagic Eldritch Spellweave
16 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+4 +1 Con, Wingstorm
17 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+4 Gift of the Divine Patron(Protective Aura)
18 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+4 Improved Initiative Breath Weapon 7d6
19 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+4
20 Eldritch Disciple 1d8+24 Gift of the Divine Patron(Wild Frenzy), Timeless Body, +1 Con, Energy Immunity


Dragon Cultist
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