Dragon Shaman – Wyrmheart Guardian – D&D 3.5

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Wyrmheart Guardian

The gnome watched the two sisters make their way through the streets from the bell tower. It was his favorite sitting spot. From here he could see the sea and the port. They both arrived in town a few days ago, and his friend, a pesky nobleman who kept poking his nose in the underworld asked him to keep an eye on them while he was away. He stretched his tiny arms and his draconic, copper wings.

He knew who they were investigating, and part of him thought it would be pretty funny to mislead them a bit. But then again, there was the bigger picture. With a resigned sigh, he got up and flew towards them.




Dragon Shaman 20

Ability Scores

Str 6/Dex 10/Con 20/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 16


Bluff, Hide, Diplomacy


Best armor you can afford, a shield, a Crossbow


A pure Dragon Shaman is a great addition to a party with its Draconic Auras, buffing the entire party, its ability to heal and remove conditions, leaving the cleric space in its spell list, and of course its devastating breath weapon. You are also tanky enough to stay very close to the melee line.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Dragon Shaman 15 Nymph’s Kiss Draconic Aura +1, Totem Dragon (Copper)
2 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Skill Focus (Bluff)
3 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Weapon Finesse Draconic Adaptation
4 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Breath Weapon 2d6, Draconic Resolve, +1 Con
5 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Draconic Aura +2
6 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Shape Breath Breath Weapon 3d6, Touch of Vitality (Heal Wounds)
7 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Natural Armor +1
8 Dragon Shaman 1d10+13 Skill Focus (Hide) Breath Weapon 4d6, +1 Con
9 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Quicken Breath Energy Immunity
10 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Breath Weapon 5d6, Draconic Aura +3
11 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Touch of Vitality(Remove Condition)
12 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Maximize Breath Breath Weapon 6d6, Natural Armor +2, +1 Con
13 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Draconic Adaptation (Share with Allies)
14 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Breath Weapon 7d6, Commune with Dragon Spirit
15 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Clinging Breath Draconic Aura +4
16 Dragon Shaman 1d10+22 Skill Focus (Jump) Breath Weapon 8d6,+1 Con
17 Dragon Shaman 1d10+7 Natural Armor +3
18 Dragon Shaman 1d10+7 Lingering Breath Breath Weapon 9d6
19 Dragon Shaman 1d10+7 Draconic Wings
20 Dragon Shaman 1d10+7 Breath Weapon 10d6, Draconic Aura +5


Dragon Shaman Monoclass, Wyrmheart Guardian
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