Crusader – Ironclad Redeemer – D&D 3.5

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Ironclad Redeemer

The man was praying before the altar to St-Cuthbert. The time had come. His friend from the Temple of Sharess told him of the coming darkness, and that which the group of adventurers were trying to stop. They would eventually come to claim one part of the fivefold enigma that was required to unseal the secret hiding place of THAT thing. He caressed his heavy mace. Let them come, he thought, and face their trial…




Crusader 20

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 10/Con 16/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 14


Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge(Religion), Martial Lore, Concentration


Heavy Mace, Heavy Shield, the best armor you can afford


Crusader has been referred to as the best tank class in d&d 3.5. Frankly, that notion is wrong. It is the best tank class by an order of magnitude. Steely Resolve+Stone Power+your Devoted Spirit Maneuvers and Stance make you as close as immortal as you can be, all the while healing your allies, and with Goad, you can force opponents to fight you, and with Furious Counterattack, you still deal enough damage to force targets to deal with you if they don’t want their skulls bashed in.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Crusader 13 Stone Power, Power Attack Furious Counterstrike, Steely Resolve 5
2 Crusader 1d10+3 Indomitable Soul
3 Crusader 1d10+3 Shield Bash Zealous Surge
4 Crusader 1d10+3 Steely Resolve 10, +1 Con
5 Crusader 1d10+3
6 Crusader 1d10+3 Goad Smite 1/Day
7 Crusader 1d10+3
8 Crusader 1d10+11 Steely Resolve 15, +1 Con
9 Crusader 1d10+13 Improved Toughness
10 Crusader 1d10+5 Diehard
11 Crusader 1d10+5
12 Crusader 1d10+5 Weapon Focus(Heavy Mace) Steely Resolve 20, +1 Con
13 Crusader 1d10+5 Mettle
14 Crusader 1d10+5
15 Crusader 1d10+5 Improved Bullrush
16 Crusader 1d10+21 Steely Resolve 25, +1 Con
17 Crusader 1d10+6
18 Crusader 1d10+6 Shock Trooper Smite 2/Day
19 Crusader 1d10+6
20 Crusader 1d10+6 Steely Resolve 30, +1 Con
Crusader Monoclass, Ironclad Redeemer
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