Crusader – Apatrid Knight – D&D 3.5

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Apatrid Knight

The woman in full plate armor watched the group of adventurers leave back toward the Capital. But she wouldn’t follow them. She was fighting the same fight as they were, but on a different front. The errant knight left toward the small town down the road, overrun by the dead.

She felt it, corruption once again filled the heart of man. She could hear it in the moaning of the mad

See it in the eyes of the damned.

Her path led her to the small town, where the smell of sulfur permeated the air, and where a gate to Hell itself had been opened.

The Crusade called her, and so, she went.




Crusader 12/Knight 5/Human Paragon 3

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 14/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 14


Diplomacy, Intimidate, Martial Lore, Concentration, Hide


A Longsword, a Heavy Shield and the best armor you can afford.


I wanted to build the closest build to D3’s Crusader and not only did I succeed, but the build is ridiculously tanky. Between Bulwark of Defense and Steely Resolve, plus Test of Mettle, you are probably one of if not the best tank build in 3.5. Capable of dishing out the pain as much as taking hits that would kill your spellcasters like it was nothing, the ability to twf using your shield and your sword together, and with your maneuvers and stances cranking all that to 11 makes you one of the best frontliners one could ask for.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Crusader 12 Extra Granted Maneuver, Stone Power Furious Counterstrike, Steely Resolve 5
2 Crusader 1d10+2 Indomitable Soul
3 Crusader 1d10+2 Improved Shield Bash Zealous Surge
4 Human Paragon 1d8+2 Adaptive Learning, +1 Dex
5 Human Paragon 1d8+2 Two-Weapons Fighting
6 Human Paragon 1d8+8 Oversized Two-Weapons Fighting +2 Con
7 Knight 1d12+3 Fighting Challenge +1, Knight’s Challenge, Knight’s Code
8 Knight 1d12+3 Mounted Combat Shield Block +1, +1 Str
9 Knight 1d12+3 Combat Reflexes Bulwark of Defense
10 Knight 1d12+3 Armor Mastery(Medium), Test of Mettle
11 Knight 1d12+3 Ride-By Attack Vigilant Defender
12 Crusader 1d10+3 Stand Still Steely Resolve 10, +1 Str
13 Crusader 1d10+3
14 Crusader 1d10+3 Smite 1/Day
15 Crusader 1d10+3 Robilar’s Gambit
16 Crusader 1d10+3 Steely Resolve 15, +1 Str
17 Crusader 1d10+3
18 Crusader 1d10+3 Diehard, Shield Specialization(Heavy)
19 Crusader 1d10+3
20 Crusader 1d10+3 Steely Resolve 20, +1 Str
Apatrid Knight
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