Battle Dancer – The Courtesan – D&D 3.5

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The Courtesan

Of all the criminal guilds, one of the less well known, yet most effective, is that of the Crimson Courtesans. They are shapechangers, spies and assassins.  Able to both enchant a room with their dances and soft words, or viciously murder an entranced target within seconds. Despite being composed of beautiful, largely unarmed women specialized in social engineering, infiltrators who can stay invisible in any society for their own gain, they are far from being harmless, mastering a dancing martial art of great lethality.

And as shapeshifters, they can be anyone.

A Mistress.

A Ravager.

A Queen.

A Guard.

They can be you, me, or any of us.

The only rumored way to identify a member of the Crimson Courtesans it is said, is by a single crimson strand they hide in their haircuts…


Changeling God-Blooded of Vecna


Battle Dancer 8/Cloaked Dancer 5/Spymaster 7(LA Buyback 1)

Ability Scores

Str 10/Dex 16/Con 11/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 17


Bluff 8, Diplomacy 4, Disguise 8, Forgery 4, Gather Information 4, Hide 5, Perform(Dance) 10, Sense Motive 4, Sleight of Hand 5


Disguise Kit, various clothings of different social categories.


You are a great skill-monkey, capable both at exploration and scouting with great hiding skills. Additionally, you’re also a surprisingly effective warrior, your fists dealing considerable damage.  With your Enchanting Dance, you can rapidly send foes panicking or dazing them.  In doing so, they’ll be forced to stand there – awaiting their slaughter.

But where you truly shine is a party face, in social events, where you can be anyone, bluff your way into and out of spicy situations, and approach damn near any social encounter with a winning hand. This is a high roleplay build packaged into a great fighting build, itself packaged into a skill monkey build.

Level Guide

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Battle Dancer 8 Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse AC Bonus(Cha), Unarmed 1d6
2 Battle Dancer 1d8 Dance of Reckless Bravery
3 Battle Dancer 1d8 Dodge
4 Battle Dancer 1d8 +10 Speed, Unarmed 1d8, +1 Cha
5 Battle Dancer 1d8 Dance of the Vexing Snake, AC +1
6 Battle Dancer 1d8 Mobility Dancer’s Strike(Magical)
7 Battle Dancer 1d8
8 Battle Dancer 1d8 Dance of the Floating Step, Unarmed 1d10, +1 Dex
9 Cloaked Dancer 1d6 Improved Natural Attack Enchanting Dance(Beguilin g Dance), Unarmed 2d8
10 Cloaked Dancer 1d6 Surprise Strike +1d6
11 Cloaked Dancer 1d6 Enchanting Dance(Wearyin g Dance)
12 Cloaked Dancer 1d6 Skill Focus (Bluff) Surprise Strike +2d6, +1 Dex
13 Cloaked Dancer 1d6 Enchanting Dance (Frightful Dance)
14 Spymaster 1d6 Cover Identity, Undetectable Alignment
15 Spymaster 1d6 Spring Attack Quick Change, Scrying Defense
16 Spymaster 1d6 Magic Aura, Sneak Attack +1d6, +1 Dex
17 Spymaster 1d6 Cover Identity, Slippery Mind
18 Spymaster 1d6 Elusive Target Dispel Scrying
19 Spymaster 1d6 Sneak Attack +2d6
20 Spymaster 1d6 Cover Identity, Deep Cover
The Courtesan
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