Battle Dancer – Shadow Waltz – D&D 3.5

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Shadow Waltz

The Dark Elf, despite being chained, was dancing gracefully on the palace’s floor, entertaining guests of the baron, delighted to see such a beautiful specimen paraded like that.

The baron, under the counsel of his mistress, who was quite a savvy woman, had bought her from a travelling slave merchant, and despite the elvic reputation for being attached to their freedom, and especially the dark elves for their treachery, she had remained extremely docile, entertaing his guests, projecting his status amongst his peers.

As he daydreamed about his advancing peerage, he did not notice that the dark elf, as her dance reached it’s crescendo, was whispering words of power. And suddenly, darkness as dark as he had never encountered before.

As he recoiled in his chair in panic, screams all around him, people fleeing as something landed on the table he could still feel right in front of him. As he reached for his blade, he felt the delicate hands of the dark elf wrap around his neck with a force he would have never expected from such a thin frame.

-I have entertained you, now you entertain me Baron. Away, in the night, the Baron’s mistress cackled.


Dark Elf


Battle Dancer 20 (LA Buyback 2)

Ability Scores

Str 10/Dex 18/Con 13/Int 12/Wis 10/Cha 17


Tumble, Hide, Move Silenty, Perform(Dance)


Nothing, have fun picking whatever yer heart desires


Your unarmed strikes deal crazy damage, and you are an extremely mobile opponent, hard to pin-down, with the ability to summon darkness to help you murder things on the battlefield with ease. Your AC is surprisingly high, and with a flying speed, you can reach even foes that would normally be out of reach from a melee combattant such as you.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Battle Dancer 9 Weapon Finesse, Improved Unarmed Strike AC Bonus(Cha), Unarmed 1d6
2 Battle Dancer 1d8+1 Dance of Reckless Bravery
3 Battle Dancer 1d8+1 At Home in the Deep
4 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 +10 Speed, Unarmed 1d8, +1 Con
5 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Dance of the Vexing Snake, +1 AC
6 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Improved Initiative Dancer’s Strike (Magic)
7 Battle Dancer 1d8+2
8 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Dance of the Floating Step, Unarmed 1d10, +1 Cha
9 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Improved Natural Attack Unarmed 2d8
10 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 +10 Speed, +1 AC
11 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Dance of the Springing Tiger
12 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Circle Kick Dancer’s Strike(Alignme mt), Unarmed 3d8, +1 Dex
13 Battle Dancer 1d8+2
14 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Dance of the Crushing Python
15 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Blend into Shadows +1 AC
16 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Speed +10, +1 Dex, Unarmed 4d8
17 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Dance of the Soaring Eagle
18 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Gift of the Spider Queen Dancer’s Strike (Any)
19 Battle Dancer 1d8+2
20 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Dance of Death’s Embrace, Unarmed 6d8, AC +1, +1 Dex
Battle Dancer Monoclass, Shadow Waltz
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