Bard – Mad Archeologist – D&D 3.5

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Mad Archeologist

The tiefling woman hid behind rumbles of the ruins. The group of adventurers had finally come to her ruins, where the enigma’s answer stayed hidden.

She cackled. It was great, soon, she would ambush them, she thought, as she stalked them in the dark tunnels, hoping for the moment they would enter the room with the dark sphere who was her master, pure nothing, made manifest, forever hungry and thus forever feeding.


Tiefling Divine


Bard 10/Entropomancer 10 (1 LA Buyback)

Ability Scores

Str 14/Dex 12/Con 12/Int 10/Wis 18/Cha 10


Use Magic Devices, various Knowledge, Concentration.


A Heavy Mace, the best armor you can afford.


A bard who uses divine magic instead of arcane, and thus can cast in heavy armor easily. Add to it your Entropomancer’s abilities and you are truly a great battlefield controller. Your shards of entropy act like miniature black holes and your areas of entropy make enemies bleed over time. Mix it all with great enchanting and illusion spells, and you can make the enemies lives miserable.


Class HD Feat Special
1 Bard 7 Medium Armor Proficiency Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1
2 Bard 1d6+1
3 Bard 1d6+1 Magical Aptitude Inspire Competence
4 Bard 1d6+1 +1 Wis
5 Bard 1d6+1
6 Bard 1d6+1 Great Fortitude Suggestion
7 Bard 1d6+1
8 Bard 1d6+1 Inspire Courage +2, +1 Wis
9 Bard 1d6+1 Heavy Armor Proficiency Inspire Greatness
10 Bard 1d6+1
11 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Shard of Entropy 2/Day
12 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Improved Initiative +1 Wis
13 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Entropic Field 2/Day
14 Entropomancer 1d8+1
15 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Ability Focus(Shard of Entropy) Entropic Field(Reroll), Shard of Entropy(5d6)
16 Entropomancer 1d8+1 +1 Wis
17 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Entropic Field(Wounding)
18 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Mortalbane
19 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Shard of Entropy (7d6, Consuming)
20 Entropomancer 1d8+1 Control Sphere, +1 Wis


Mad Archeologist, Mad Archeologists
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