Bard – Fochlucan College Bard – D&D 3.5

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Fochlucan College Bard

The actions of the group did not go unnoticed, as now the College of Fochlucan had their eyes set on their actions. The college elder, a shadowy half-elf scryed on them via his crystal ball. From their action depended the fate of the material plane. And so he pondered his orb, silently, watching their every move.


Half-Elf Shadow


Bard 5/Druid 5/Fochlucan Lyrist 5/Exemplar 5 (2 LA Buyback)

Ability Scores

Str 14/Dex 10/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 15/Cha 15


Decipher Script 7, Diplomacy 7, Gather Information 7, Jump 13, Knowledge(Nature) 7, Perform(String) 13, Sleight of Hand 7, Tumble 5


a Rapier, a lyre, eventually a medium armor made of mithril, or a full plate made of ironwood.


Shaky, Inattentive




+418 Jump. This is your final jump bonus via Cheetah’s Speed plus your plethora of other bonuses. And you can roll jump instead of diplomacy. You bonus is high enough to turn the equivalent of the entire nazi party into being pro jews (in game terms from hostile to fanatic).

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Bard 7 Skill Focus(Jump), Nymph’s Kiss, Power Attack Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1
2 Bard 1d6+1
3 Bard 1d6+1 Run Inspire Competence
4 Bard 1d6+1 +1 Cha
5 Bard 1d6+1
6 Druid 1d8+1 Leap Attack Wild Empathy, Animal Companion, Nature’s Sense
7 Druid 1d8+1 Woodland Stride
8 Druid 1d8+1 Trackless Step, +1 Cha
9 Druid 1d8+10 Improved Toughness Resist Nature’s Lure
10 Druid 1d8+2 Wild Shape 1/Day
11 Fochluchan Lyrist 1d6+2 Unbound, Suggestion
12 Fochluchan Lyrist 1d6+2 Cheetah’s Speed +1 Cha
13 Fochluchan Lyrist 1d6+2 Inspire Courage +2
14 Fochluchan Lyrist 1d6+2 Inspire Greatness
15 Fochluchan Lyrist 1d6+2 Combat Caster
16 Exemplar 1d6+2 Skill Artistry(Jump), Skill Mastery,+1 Cha
17 Exemplar 1d6+2 Lend talent (½ Penalty)
18 Exemplar 1d6+2 Heavy Armor Proficiency, Acrobatic
19 Exemplar 1d6+2 Skill Artistry(Diplomacy), Sustaining Performance
20 Exemplar 1d6+2 Persuasive Performance, +1 Cha
Fochlucan College Bard, Fochlucan College Bards
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