D&D 3.5 Dread Necromancer Ghoul Blend Build: Dark Brew

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  • Begin your journey as a master of the undead with the Dread Necromancer Ghoul Blend build.

  • Understand the progression of class features and the power spikes at each level.

  • Learn the vital equipment pieces that enhance the build’s effectiveness.

  • Discover combat strategies that leverage your necromantic abilities.

  • Explore how to synergize with your party to dominate encounters.

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Ghoul Blend

Level Distribution

Click on the level for more information

Level 1 Brief:

At level 1, the Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend starts with abilities focused on controlling and interacting with undead. Their skills in Bluff, Hide, and Spellcraft make them adept at manipulating others and using their necromantic spells effectively. The character’s high Charisma score enhances their spellcasting and abilities like Rebuke Undead.

Stat Block Level 1:

Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend: Male, Human Dread Necromancer 1; CR 1; Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +0; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee (2d4+2, Scythe) or +0 ranged; Full Atk +2 melee (2d4+2, Scythe) or +0 ranged; SA Charnel Touch, Rebuke Undead; AL Any; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +5; Str 14, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17.

Skills and Feats:

Bluff +3, Hide +4, Spellcraft +4; Tomb-Tainted Soul, Battle Caster. Charnel Touch (Su): A dread necromancer can use a touch attack that deals 1d8 points of damage +1 per two caster levels. Rebuke Undead (Su): A dread necromancer can rebuke or command undead as an evil cleric of equal level.
Possessions: Scythe, Chain Shirt.

Level 5 Brief:

At level 5, the Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend excels in manipulating undead and using fear to control the battlefield. With abilities like Fear Aura and Advanced Learning, this character can sow terror among foes while also expanding their spell repertoire. The development in Charnel Touch and Scabrous Touch also provides increased damage and utility in combat.

Stat Block Level 5:

Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend: Male, Human Dread Necromancer 5; CR 5; Medium humanoid (human); HD 5d6+10; hp 28; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +2; Grp +4; Atk +6 melee (2d4+4, Scythe) or +2 ranged; Full Atk +6 melee (2d4+4, Scythe) or +2 ranged; SA Charnel Touch, Fear Aura, Scabrous Touch 1/Day; SQ Rebuke Undead, Lich Body DR 2, Negative Energy Burst 1/Day; AL Any; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6; Str 14, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Skills and Feats:

Bluff +7, Hide +5, Spellcraft +8; Tomb-Tainted Soul, Battle Caster, Corpsecrafter. Charnel Touch (Su): Deals 1d8+2 damage (5th level). Fear Aura (Su): Causes all enemies within 5 ft. to become shaken unless they succeed on a Will save. Scabrous Touch (Su): Once per day, can inflict a disease (Fort save DC 17 to resist). Rebuke Undead (Su): Can rebuke or command undead as an evil cleric of level 5. Advanced Learning: Adds a new spell to spell list. Negative Energy Burst (Su): Once per day, emits a burst of negative energy dealing 1d8+5 damage to living creatures within 5 ft. (Fort half DC 15).
Possessions: Scythe, Chain Shirt.

Level 10 Brief:

By level 10, the Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend significantly enhances their ability to control and protect undead while improving their defense mechanisms. With features like Lich Body DR, Light Fortification, and regular Negative Energy Bursts, this build becomes tougher in combat and more lethal in applying necromantic powers.

Stat Block Level 10:

Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend: Male, Human Dread Necromancer 10; CR 10; Medium humanoid (human); HD 10d6+20; hp 55; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +5; Grp +7; Atk +9 melee (2d4+4, Scythe) or +5 ranged; Full Atk +9 melee (2d4+4, Scythe) or +5 ranged; SA Charnel Touch, Scabrous Touch 2/Day, Light Fortification 25%, Negative Energy Burst 2/Day; SQ Rebuke Undead, Lich Body DR 6, Undead Mastery; AL Any; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +9; Str 14, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 19.

Skills and Feats:

Bluff +10, Hide +7, Spellcraft +13; Tomb-Tainted Soul, Battle Caster, Corpsecrafter. Charnel Touch (Su): Deals 1d8+5 damage (10th level). Scabrous Touch (Su): Twice per day, can inflict a disease (Fort save DC 20 to resist). Light Fortification (Ex): Grants a 25% chance to ignore critical hits and sneak attacks. Negative Energy Burst (Su): Twice per day, emits a burst of negative energy dealing 1d8+10 damage to living creatures within 10 ft. (Fort half DC 18). Rebuke Undead (Su): Can rebuke or command undead as an evil cleric of level 10. Undead Mastery (Su): Undead created have bonus hit points and increased control limits.
Possessions: Scythe, Chain Shirt (eventually a Mithral Full Plate).

Level 15 Brief:

By level 15, the Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend becomes a formidable force on the battlefield, boasting enhanced durability and control over undead. Key features like Lich Body DR 8 and Negative Energy Burst 3/Day make this character extremely tough and capable of dealing significant area damage. The addition of Hardened Flesh further bolsters their defenses, making them a nightmarish opponent in any skirmish.

Stat Block Level 15:

Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend: Male, Human Dread Necromancer 15; CR 15; Medium humanoid (human); HD 15d6+30; hp 82; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +7; Grp +9; Atk +11 melee (2d4+4, Scythe) or +7 ranged; Full Atk +11 melee (2d4+4, Scythe) or +7 ranged; SA Charnel Touch, Scabrous Touch 3/Day, Negative Energy Burst 3/Day; SQ Rebuke Undead, Lich Body DR 8, Undead Mastery, Mental Bastion +4; AL Any; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12; Str 14, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 21.

Skills and Feats:

Bluff +16, Hide +10, Spellcraft +18; Tomb-Tainted Soul, Battle Caster, Corpsecrafter, Hardened Flesh. Charnel Touch (Su): Deals 1d8+7 damage (15th level). Scabrous Touch (Su): Three times per day, can inflict a disease (Fort save DC 22 to resist). Negative Energy Burst (Su): Three times per day, emits a burst of negative energy dealing 1d8+15 damage to living creatures within 15 ft. (Fort half DC 22). Rebuke Undead (Su): Can rebuke or command undead as an evil cleric of level 15. Mental Bastion (Ex): Provides a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects. Undead Mastery (Su): Undead created have bonus hit points and increased control limits.
Possessions: Scythe, Chain Shirt (eventually a Mithral Full Plate).

Level 20 Brief:

At level 20, the Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend reaches the pinnacle of necromantic power by undergoing Lich Transformation, gaining immense undead abilities and resistances. This level brings a complete overhaul in hit points, substantial increases in mental abilities, and advanced necromantic powers such as Enhanced Negative Energy Burst and Advanced Learning, making this character a true master of death and undeath.

Stat Block Level 20:

Dread Necromancer – Ghoul Blend: Male, Human Dread Necromancer 20; CR 20; Medium undead (human, lich); HD 19d12+12; hp 142; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 24; Base Atk +9; Grp +11; Atk +15 melee (2d4+6, Scythe) or +9 ranged; Full Atk +15 melee (2d4+6, Scythe) or +9 ranged; SA Charnel Touch, Scabrous Touch 4/Day, Negative Energy Burst 4/Day; SQ Rebuke Undead, Lich Body, Undead Mastery, Lich Transformation; AL Any; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +12; Str 14, Dex 11, Con –, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 20.

Skills and Feats:

Bluff +20, Hide +10, Spellcraft +25; Tomb-Tainted Soul, Battle Caster, Corpsecrafter, Craft Wondrous Items, Nimble Bones. Charnel Touch (Su): Deals 1d8+10 damage (20th level). Scabrous Touch (Su): Four times per day, can inflict a disease (Fort save immune). Negative Energy Burst (Su): Four times per day, emits a burst of negative energy dealing 1d8+20 damage to living creatures within 20 ft. (Fort half DC 25). Rebuke Undead (Su): Can rebuke or command undead as an evil cleric of level 20. Lich Body (Ex): Immune to cold, electricity, polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks. Undead Mastery (Su): Undead created have significantly increased bonus hit points and control limits. Lich Transformation (Ex): Has undergone transformation into a lich, gaining all associated benefits and detriments.
Possessions: Scythe, Mithral Full Plate.

Critical Milestones

  • Level 1: Charnel Touch, Rebuke Undead – the foundation of your necromantic journey.

  • Level 5: Fear Aura – enemies quiver before you, potentially paralyzed by dread.

  • Level 10: Scabrous Touch – your touch corrupts flesh, debilitating your adversaries.

  • Level 14: Mental Bastion +4 – your mind becomes an impenetrable fortress against charms and illusions.

  • Level 20: Lich Transformation – you transcend mortality, embodying death itself.

Equipment Progression

As a burgeoning Dread Necromancer Ghoul, your equipment should be as menacing as your spells. Initially, focus on items that enhance your survivability and spellcasting. As you ascend in power, seek artifacts that resonate with necromancy, like a Rod of Undead Mastery or a Phylactery of Faithfulness.

  • Early Levels (1-5): Amulet of Health, Cloak of Resistance – bolster your defenses as you learn the ropes.

  • Mid Levels (6-14): Wand of Animate Dead, Bone Armor – raise an army and become one with the undead.

  • High Levels (15-20): Staff of Necromancy, Robe of the Archmagi – wield the full might of the dark arts and protect yourself with powerful magical garments.

Combat Strategies for Ghoul Blend Build

Combat is where a Dread Necromancer Ghoul truly shines. Your undead minions are more than just a macabre spectacle; they’re a strategic asset. Use them to swarm foes, control the battlefield, and absorb hits that would otherwise befall your living allies.

  • Minion Shield: Position your undead between you and the enemy, forcing them to deal with your minions first.

  • Hit and Run: Utilize spells like ‘Ghoul Touch’ to paralyze targets, then command your minions to strike while you retreat to safety.

  • Focus Fire: Target the most threatening enemy with your most potent spells, while your minions deal with the lesser threats.

  • Area Control: Use spells like ‘Circle of Death’ to clear groups of enemies, creating space for your party to maneuver.

Party Synergy

A Dread Necromancer Ghoul doesn’t fight alone. You are the puppeteer of the undead, but your allies are the sword and shield that protect your concentration and amplify your dark will.

  • Coordinate with warriors and paladins to create a front line that’s bolstered by your undead.

  • Work with rogues and rangers to set up ambushes, using your minions to corral enemies into their traps.

  • Support wizards and sorcerers with additional crowd control, combining your area spells for maximum effect.

  • Communicate with clerics and druids to balance the battlefield, ensuring that life and death remain in your control.

Combat Scenarios

  • Dungeon Crawls – In the tight quarters of a dungeon, your minions can block choke points and corridors, controlling the flow of battle. Use your Charnel Touch to sap the strength of foes that come too close, and let your minions finish them off.

  • Open Field – In an open field, your lack of natural cover can be a disadvantage. Use spells like ‘fog cloud’ to obscure vision and ‘Summon Undead’ to create instant barriers. This way, you can force the enemy to come to you, often through a gauntlet of your making.
  • Ambushes – When ambushing or being ambushed, quick thinking is key. Deploy your minions to surround the enemy, and use your Scabrous Touch to spread disease and decay through their ranks, weakening them for your allies to exploit.

  • Defensive Stands – In a defensive stand, your goal is to outlast the enemy. Your undead minions are tireless, so let them take the brunt of the assault while you cast from safety. Spells like ‘Wall of Bone’ can provide temporary fortifications, giving your party time to regroup or counterattack.

  • Urban Encounters – City fights are chaotic, with civilians and structures complicating the battlefield. Use this to your advantage by animating the dead where they fall, bolstering your forces mid-fight. Be mindful of collateral damage—sometimes the best spell is the one you don’t cast.

Strengths & Weaknesses of Ghoul Blend Build

Vulnerability to holy damage and spells.Equip items that provide resistance to holy damage and ensure you have undead minions to absorb such attacks.
Dependence on minions can leave you exposed if they’re defeated.Develop escape strategies and always have a contingency plan, such as a teleportation spell.
Limited mobility due to heavy reliance on positioning.Use spells like ‘Expeditious Retreat’ to enhance your movement when necessary.
Risk of turning allies against you with fear-inducing abilities.Communicate with your party and reserve Fear Aura for the right moments.
Can struggle against enemies immune to necrotic damage.Diversify your spellbook with non-necrotic options to deal with such foes.

Roleplaying Themes for the Ghoul Blend

Roleplaying a Dread Necromancer Ghoul is not just about the spells you cast or the minions you control; it’s about weaving a narrative tapestry that feels authentic and engaging. The Ghoul Blend build offers a plethora of roleplaying opportunities that can bring depth to your character and the campaign.

As you progress through the levels, embodying the essence of the Dread Necromancer, consider the cultural implications of your actions. How does the world view necromancy? How do your allies react to your macabre companions? These are the questions that will enrich your experience.

Cultural Influence & Traditions of Ghoul Blend

Incorporate rituals and ceremonies into your spellcasting, giving a sense of gravity to your necromantic practices. Perhaps each undead you raise requires a small, solemn rite that pays respect to the life once lived.

Ghoul Blend


Can Ghoul Blend effectively solo encounter scenarios?

What equipment should be prioritized early in the game?

In the early levels, focus on items that enhance your survivability and spellcasting abilities. A Cloak of Resistance and an Amulet of Health are excellent choices. As you grow in power, seek out items that resonate with necromancy, like a Rod of Undead Mastery, to amplify your control over the undead.

Introduce your character with a sense of mystery and foreboding. Perhaps the party encounters you in the midst of a forbidden ritual or as you negotiate with spirits in a haunted graveyard. Let your character’s actions and reputation precede them, setting the stage for a complex and intriguing narrative.

Think outside the box with the Ghoul Blend. Use your undead not just as fighters but as tools—block paths, trigger traps, or even use them as a distraction while you prepare your more potent spells. And don’t forget the psychological impact of your abilities; sometimes, the threat of necromancy is as powerful as its execution.

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