Sohei – Polearm Iaijutsu – D&D 3.5

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The arena was even more crowded than usual. In celebration of the City’s victory over the dark army and the new alliance with the Warmage College, the city officials opened a special tournament with the chance of facing off the arena’s champion.

One of the prospecting gladiators, a traveling man armed with a glaive, was watching the competition. Many great warriors were present. The Traveler, a master of Iaijutsu, like himself, a Berserker with scarifications on his face, and a young nobleman with only a rapier. This tournament was sure to bring glory to its victor, for sure. The man caressed his glaive. As for him, he fought only because he wanted to know how good he really was. And no better place to test one’s skills as in such a high profile competition.




Sohei 20

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 12/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 14/Cha 12


Iaijutsu Focus, Jump


A Glaive, a Spiked Gauntlet, the best armor you can afford.


The Sohei is one of the few classes that has Iaijutsu Focus as a class skill. And between Ki-Frenzy and Mettle you are no slouch in melee combat. With Leap Attack, Iaijutsu Focus, Shock Trooper and Combat Brute, you can deal tons of damage rapidly in an encounter and set yourself in position with your polearm and Ki-Frenzy to start dishing out the hurt on the next round while making a nuisance of yourself for enemies wanting to target your allies in the back. You can cast a few spells to round up an overall excellent package.

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1Sohei12Weapon Focus(Glaive), Improved Initiative, Skill Focus(Iaijutsu Focus)Ki Frenzy 1/Day
3Sohei1d10+2Deflect Arrow, Power AttackKi Frenzy 2/Day
5Sohei1d10+2Remain ConsciousStrength of Mind
6Sohei1d10+2Leap Attack
7Sohei1d10+2Defensive StrikeKi Frenzy 3/Day
9Sohei1d10+2Improved Bull RushMettle
11Sohei1d10+2DR 1/-, Ki Frenzy 4/Day
12Sohei1d10+2Shock Trooper
14Sohei1d10+2DR 2/-
15Sohei1d10+2Improved SunderKi Frenzy 5/Day
17Sohei1d10+2DR 3/-
18Sohei1d10+2Combat Brute
19Sohei1d10+2Ki Frenzy 6/Day
20Sohei1d10+2DR 4/-
Sohei Monoclass
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