Samurai – Dragon Samurai – D&D 3.5

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Dragon Samurai

The young wanderer had heard of his father’s demise. After facing countless opponents, he was finally face to face with his father’s rival. The Dragon Lord was staring him down from his throne.

-You would dare challenge me young wanderer. For what? Honor? Revenge? None of these will bring your father back.

-No, it won’t, but his last order was to defeat every single clan champion. So here I am.

The Dragon Lord smiled, rose from his throne and flew down the stairs. He drew his sword, which ignited as he was drawing it.

-Very well wanderer. I shall commit your insipid family’s memory to the grave with your death, the Lord roared, flames erupting from his gaping maw.




Samurai 5/Battle Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple 10/Dragon Samurai 4

Ability Scores

Str 17/Dex 11/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 14


Knowledge(Arcana) 8, Iaijutsu Focus(as high as possible)


Daisho(free), the best armor you can afford.


You are a friggin half-dragon samurai, if this isn’t one of the coolest shit you have heard all day, you need to get out right now. You deal a simply *ridiculous* amount of damage between Diving, Leap Attacking, Breath Weapon and Iaijutsu Focus Charge. The fact that you can fly without magic just means those pesky wizards wont escape you that way.

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Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Samurai 12 Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Bast ard Sword), Power Attack, Cosmopolitan(I aijutsu Focus) Ancestral Daisho
2 Samurai 1d10+2 Two Swords as One
3 Samurai 1d10+2 Improved Bull Rush Kiai Smite 1/Day
4 Samurai 1d10+2 +1 Str
5 Samurai 1d10+2 Iaijutsu Master
6 Battle Sorcerer 1d8+2 Improved Initiative Summon Familiar
7 Dragon Disciple 1d12+2 Natural Armor +1
8 Dragon Disciple 1d12+2 +3 Str, Claws and Bite
9 Dragon Disciple 1d12+2 Leap Attack Breath Weapon 2d8
10 Dragon Disciple 1d12+2 +2 Str, Natural Armor +2
11 Dragon Disciple 1d12+2 Blindsense 30ft.
12 Dragon Disciple 1d12+14 Shock Trooper +2 Con, +1 Str
13 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 Breath Weapon 4d8, Natural Armor +3
14 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 +2 Int
15 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 Flyby Attack Wings
16 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 Blindsense 60ft., Dragon Apotheosis, Str+3, Cha +2, Natural Armor +4, Breath Weapon 6d8
17 Dragon Samurai 1d10+3 Dragon Breath, Resistance to Energy 5
18 Dragon Samurai 1d10+3 Dragon Breath Dragon Friend
19 Dragon Samurai 1d10+3 Immunity to Dragon Fear
20 Dragon Samurai 1d10+3 Elemental Weapon +1d6, +1 Str
Dragon Samurai
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