Ranger – Shapechanger – D&D 3.5

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-What happened to her after you defeated the beast? Asked one of the kids to the old man. He scratched his chin slowly, collecting his thoughts as the fire cracked in the fireplace. The whole inn was listening to the half-elf story now.

-Well, as well traveled as I am, there were some things I could never teach her. I can teach everything about listening to nature, how to hunt beasts and how to recognize plants and prints, I could not teach her how to be a beast, and a beast she was, being a werewolf and all, she wanted to learn to better control and use that part of her. So she left too, eventually, in search of the Lady of the Woods.

There were whispers in the inn when that name came out of the storyteller’s mouth. The traveling woman pulled out a smoke pipe and started cleaning it, preparing some dried herbs.

The half-elf continued.

-The Lady is said to be as old as the forest, and its most ancient guardian, capable of taking the form of all the beasts who walk its depths. From the smallest insect to the most majestic dragon, she is one with each of these forms. If someone could teach our young wolf lady how to control her inner beast, it was the Lady.




Wildshaping Ranger 5(Variant)/Master of Many Forms 10/Nature’s Warrior 3/Warshaper 2

Ability Scores

Str 12/Dex 16/Con 16/Int 10/Wis 14/Cha 8


Knowledge(Nature) 8, Knowledge(the Planes) 2, Survival 8


A shortbow, a Shortsword. Any light armor.


You are a ranger capable of Wildshaping like the druid. But you take that ability and crank it to eleven. You have more than ten uses per day, can change your form in the same use of wild shape, and can take damn near any form in the monster manual. This makes you a fantastic swiss army knife of a character, with a form for every situation, and by gaining the Extraordinary abilities of your forms, your toolset only expands even more. Take the form of a fly to spy on a conversation, the form of a friggin Dragon to fight virtually any enemy, etc.

And they say only Tier 1 characters have a backpocket plan for any situation…”

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Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Ranger 11 Track, Weapon Finesse Wild Empathy, 1st Favored Enemy, Fast Movement
2 Ranger 1d8+3
3 Ranger 1d8+3 Endurance, Alertness
4 Ranger 1d8+3 Animal Companion, +1 Con
5 Ranger 1d8+3 Wildshape 1/Day, 2nd Favored Enemy
6 Nature’s Warrior 1d10+9 Improved Toughness Nature’s Weapon, Wildling
7 Master of Many Forms 1d8+4 Shifter’s Speech, Improved Wildshape 2/Day, Humanoid
8 Master of Many Forms 1d8+12 Improved Wildshape 3/Day (Large), Giant, +1 Con
9 Master of Many Forms 1d8+5 Improved Initiative Fast Wildshape, Improved Wildshape 4/Day, Monstrous Humanoid
10 Master of Many Forms 1d8+5 Improved Wildshape 5/Day(Tiny), Fey
11 Master of Many Forms 1d8+5 Improved Wildshape 6/Day, Vermin
12 Master of Many Forms 1d8+5 Combat Reflexes Improved Wildshape 7/Day (Huge), Aberration, +1 Con
13 Master of Many Forms 1d8+5 Extraordinary Wildshape, Improved Wildshape 8/Day, Plant
14 Master of Many Forms 1d8+5 Improved Wildshape 9/Day(Diminutiv e), Ooze
15 Master of Many Forms 1d8+5 Robilar’s Gambit Improved Wildshape 10/Day, Elemental
16 Master of Many Forms 1d8+21 Evershifting Form, Improved Wildshape 11/Day (Gargantuan), Dragon, +1 Con
17 Warshaper 1d8+6 Morphic Immunities, Morphic Weapons
18 Warshaper 1d8+42 Stand Still +4 Str, +4 Con
19 Nature’s Warrior 1d10+8
20 Nature’s Warrior 1d10+8 Water’s Flow, +1 Con
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