Ranger – Master of the Wilds – D&D 3.5

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The Inn was warming out with the fire, few travelers had come in days, that evening only a lone woman with a damp cloak, a bow and a pair of axes was sitting on a corner slowly feasting on a warm bowl of oatmeal, listening with a bemused smirk to the story the old half-elf was telling the young kids near the fireplace, when, from the dark of night, away in the woods, the lone howl of a wolf resounded.

-Gramps, will you tell us the story of the twin wolf girls? Asked one of the younglings. The old half-elf looked up across the inn, as even the other peasants now were paying attention.

-I used to be a well traveled ranger you know? I had seen my fair share of strange things, and had traveled through forests, plains, hills, and even the underdark. About ten years ago, I was out in the nearby woods, where I was asked to help with a streak of dead villagers. It was werewolves, it was said. But no. I did find the werewolves, the couple had been killed by the same beast. Only their twin daughters had survived. And while savage like beasts, they didn’t strike me as evil. I got both back in the village and took them under my wings. I taught them about the woods, and how to hunt, and especially, what to hunt, and what not to. One of them learned fast and was eager to patrol the woods. The other? Well, she was always more attracted to the city, and she fled to the capital one day.

But the first one and I eventually managed to find the thing that was hunting the villagers, and together, we put an end to its madness…




Ranger 11/Horizon Walker 9

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 16/Con 12/Int 10/Wis 14/Cha 8


Knowledge(Geography) 8


A Longbow, A Rapier, A Chainshirt and a Buckler(Eventually Masterwork it all).


You are the perfect Switch Hitter, capable both at ranged and in melee. You are also a marvelous scout with Tremorsense and the ability to Dimension Door away from bigger threats, and with a wide array of skills, you can deal with most situations easily.

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1Ranger9Track, Power-Attack1st Favored Enemy, Wild Empathy
2Ranger1d8+1*Rapid ShotCombat Style(Archery)
3Ranger1d8+1Endurance, Weapon Finesse
4Ranger1d8+1Animal Companion, +1 Dex
5Ranger1d8+12nd Favored Enemy
6Ranger1d8+1*Manyshot, Weapon Focus(Rapier)Improved Combat Style
7Horizon Walker1d8+1Terrain Mastery(Underg round)
8Horizon Walker1d8+1Terrain Mastery(Forest) , +1 Dex
9Horizon Walker1d8+1Improved InitiativeTerrain Mastery(Marsh)
10Horizon Walker1d8+1Terrain Mastery(Plains)
11Horizon Walker1d8+1Terrain Mastery(Hills)
12Horizon Walker1d8+1DodgePlanar Terrain Mastery(Shifting ), +1 Dex
13Horizon Walker1d8+1Planar Terrain Mastery(Cavern ous)
14Horizon Walker1d8+1Planar Terrain Mastery(Aligned )
15Horizon Walker1d8+1MobilityPlanar Terrain Mastery(Weightl ess)
16Ranger1d8+1Woodland Stride
17Ranger1d8+1Swift Tracker
18Ranger1d8+1Spring AttackEvasion
19Ranger1d8+13rd Favored Enemy
20Ranger1d8+1*Improved Precise ShotCombat Style Mastery
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