Paladin – Holyman – D&D 3.5

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Another year had passed. The two armies had retreated for the winter, and the young man had been knighted after managing his final test. He was now patrolling the woods against the undead that the evil master of the dark army had infested the forest with. As he was riding his horse, shivering, he came across a half-orc in rags, with a simple staff and a rusted sword at his hip sitting next to a fire. He approached him and got off his steed. He saw the tattoos and the wooden holy symbol on the traveler’s neck and bowed politely before asking

-Holyman, may I sit by you to warm myself and my steed for a while? The Half-Orc, with a smile, simply waived him towards a log

-Please Sir, share the warmth with me.

As the young man was eating and warming himself, the half-orc was putting more wood in the fire.

-Were you a knight once? Asked the young man nodding at the traveler’s sword.

-I still am young man, laughed the half-orc. I just made a Vow of Peace. Hence why you find me here, away from the war. I will not kill another soul if I can help it.

-As he was talking, he rose and picked his rusty sword and waived at something behind the young knight, who turned to see a few undead slowly creeping their way towards them., he rose and draw his sword, standing next to the half-orc, who quipped with an annoyed groan.

-Then again, I still carry this old sword for the things that are already dead…




Paladin 7/Sword of Righteousness 3/ Apostle of Peace 10

Ability Scores

Str 10/Dex 10/Con 16/Int 10/Wis 18/Cha 4


Concentration 10/Diplomacy 6


Pathetic(Cha), Shaky


A wooden Holy Symbol, a weapon of your choice.


You spend the first 10 levels being a regular paladin focused on Wisdom via your Serenity and Intuitive Attack feats, but without equipment due to your vow of poverty. When you take your vows of non-violence and peace, you also become a master of subdual damage, being able to beat enemies without killing them. You can cast high level spells, including exalted spells, and are more than capable both in melee, at ranged, or as a spellcaster.

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Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Paladin 13 Intuitive Attack, Sacred Vow , Vow of Poverty Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/Day, AC +4
2 Paladin 1d10+3 Nimbus of Light Divine Grace, Lay on Hands
3 Paladin 1d10+3 Serenity Aura of Courage, Divine Health, +5 AC, Endure Elements
4 Paladin 1d10+3 Holy Radiance Turn Undead, +1 Wis, Exalted Strike +1(Magic)
5 Paladin 1d10+3 Smite Evil 2/Day, Special Mount, Sustenance
6 Paladin 1d10+3 Servant of Heavens, Stigmata Remove Disease 1/Week, AC +6, Deflection +1
7 Paladin 1d10+3 Resistance +1, Wis +2
8 Sword of Righteousness 1d8+3 Vow of Abstinence, Vow of Chastity Natural Armor +1, Mind Shielding, +1 Wis
9 Sword of Righteousness 1d8+3 Vow of Non-Violence, Subduing Strike AC +7
10 Sword of Righteousness 1d8+3 Vow of Peace, Holy Subdual Exalted Strike +2(Good), DR 5/Magic
11 Apostle of Peace 1d4+14 Turn Undead, Wis +2, Con +2
12 Apostle of Peace 1d4+4 Improved Initiative, Vow of Obedience Pacifying Touch, +1 Wis, AC+8, Deflection +2, Greater Sustenance
13 Apostle of Peace 1d4+4 Resistance +2, Energy Resistance 5
14 Apostle of Peace 1d4+4 Touch of Golden Ice Exalted Strike +3, Freedom of Movement, Censure Fiends
15 Apostle of Peace 1d4+19 Zen Archer AC Bonus +9, Wis +2, Con +2, Dex +2, DR 5/Evil
16 Apostle of Peace 1d4+5 Vow of Purity +1 Wis, Natural Armor +2
17 Apostle of Peace 1d4+5 Exalted Strike +4, Resistance +3, Regeneration
18 Apostle of Peace 1d4+5 Defender of the Homeland, Ranged Smite Evil AC +10, Deflection +3, True Seeing
19 Apostle of Peace 1d4+24 +2 Wis, +2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Str
20 Apostle of Peace 1d4+6 Exalted Turning +1 Wis, Exalted Strike +5, Energy Resistance 15
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