Monk – Zen Archer – D&D 3.5

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Zen Archer

The young monk was watching the elven woman practice with her bow. Her shots were perfect, and there was quiet in her stance. He was impressed by her shooting. Less by her accuracy and more by the fact that her shots were all made while she was upside-down balancing on a swinging rope. As she fired her last arrow, she let herself down and came to the young man with a smile on her face.

-Do you understand now? She asked with a crystalline voice.

-Hardly, the young man replied. It was great shooting for sure, but I don’t understand how this relates to my fists?

The elven woman shook her head slowly, then got on her knees and took the young monk’s hands, and looked at his bruised, barely healed fists, caressing the palms with care. With a sad, yet understanding voice she simply replied

-The lesson, young man, is that all fists aren’t made of flesh and bones.




Monk 8/Sorcerer 1/Exotic Weapon Master 1/Arcane Archer 10

Ability Scores

Str 10/Dex 18/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 13/Cha 11


Craft(Weaponsmithing) 3


Longbow at first, switch to a Greatbow as soon as you have proficiency. Try for a belt of giant’s strength for you will need more static damage than this.


Archer Monk. Run around, pull your Greatbow and proceed to unilaterally kill everything within sight with your one man volley. You can shoot so many arrows in a round you make Legolas look like he just picked a bow for the first time.

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Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Monk 10 Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Strike AC Bonus(Wis), Unarmed 1d6
2 Monk 1d8+2 Deflect Arrows Evasion
3 Monk 1d8+2 Weapon Focus(Longbow) +10 Speed, Still Mind
4 Monk 1d8+2 Ki Strike(Magic), Slow Fall 20ft., Unarmed 1d8, Dex +1
5 Monk 1d8+2 Purity of Body, AC +1
6 Monk 1d8+2 Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Greatbow), Improved Disarm +10 Speed, Slow Fall 30ft.
7 Monk 1d8+2 Wholeness of Body
8 Monk 1d8+2 Slow Fall 30ft, Unarmed 1d10, +1 Dex
9 Sorcerer 1d4+2 Weapon Focus(Greatbow) Find Familiar
10 Exotic Weapon Master 1d10+2 Close-Quarter Ranged Combat
11 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Enhance Arrow +1
12 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Rapid Shot Imbue Arrow, +1 Dex
13 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Enhance Arrow +2
14 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Seeker Arrow
15 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Manyshot Enhance Arrow +3
16 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Phase Arrow, +1 Dex
17 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Enhance Arrow +4
18 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Greater Manyshot Hail of Arrows
19 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Enhance Arrow +5
20 Arcane Archer 1d8+2 Death Arrow, +1 Wis
Zen Archer
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