Fighter – The Chain Lord – D&D 3.5

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The Chain Lord

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Chain Lord

The screams from the crowd in the arena were deafening.

She was dodging and weaving to avoid the innumerable chains flying at her.

Although she had come a long way as a fighter in the last few years, she was facing her strongest opponent yet. The arena’s current champion, the Chain Lord, had proven nearly implacable his rise through the ranks.

Normally, she would use the terrain to her advantage against these chains, yet the terrain was not to her advantage. Her feet were on shifting sand, and the arena itself was completely open.

As she attempted a new angle of attack, the chain hit her leg once again. And, once again, her face made acquaintance with the local sand.

Meanwhile, the tall figure of the Chain Lord hadn’t even moved yet. His chains moved as if by themselves. But his eyes were following her every movement. Clearly she was a warrior not to be underestimated.

As she pulled herself to her feet, she readied her shield. She had to defeat him. Her weapons were time and patience.


Half-Giant(1 LA Buyback)


Fighter 7/Exotic Weapon Master 3/Master of Chains 10

Ability Scores

Str 18/Dex 13/Con 16/Int 13/Wis 11/Cha 8


Craft(weaponsmithing) 3, Escape Artist 6, Open Lock 4, Intimidate 4


Large Sized Spiked Chain(eventually Huge Sized) and the best armor you can afford (eventually you will ditch out it out for wearing chains as armor).


Your reach is straight up ridiculous, you can trip foes, and stop them with Attacks of Opportunity before they even come close to you. Eventually, you can animate your chains to fight for you.

1Fighter13Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Spik ed Chain), Weapon Focus(Spiked Chain)Powerful Build
3Fighter1d10+3Improved Trip
4Fighter1d10+3Weapon Specialization(S piked Chain)+1 Str
6Fighter1d10+3Improved Disarm, Power Attack
7Exotic Weapon Master1d10+3Exotic Reach
8Exotic Weapon Master1d10+3Uncanny Blow, +1 Dex
9Exotic Weapon Master1d10+3Combat ReflexesTrip Attack
10Master of Chains1d10+3Scare
11Master of Chains1d10+3Climb Fighting
12Master of Chains1d10+3Stand StillSuperior Weapon Focus, +1 Str
13Master of Chains1d10+3Chain Bind
14Master of Chains1d10+3Chain Armor, Double Chain
15Master of Chains1d10+3Monkey GripDeflect Attacks
16Master of Chains1d10+3Superior Weapon Specialization, +1 Str
17Master of Chains1d10+3Superior Barbed Chain
18Master of Chains1d10+3Improved InitiativeSwinging Attack
19Master of Chains1d10+3Chain Mastery
20Fighter1d10+3+1 Str
The Chain Lord, Chain Lord
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