Factotum – Mastermind – D&D 3.5

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But the most persistent urban legend in the Capital is that of the Mastermind.

He’s a masked man who appears to be behind the action of every criminal guild in the city.

A man standing behind a vast web of informants, blackmail, and criminals. All of these working towards his dark designs, one way or another.

The goal seems to be corrupting the very foundations of the Capital. Over the past decade, those plans have been weakening it for some unknown end.

Nobody knows who he is, but the legend says he wears a mask depicting a smiling devil of some sort. Not only that, but can help you with anything.

Be wary, though, because he also always collect his favors. And that price… well, it’s always far greater than it appears…




Factotum 4/Monk 1/Swashbuckler 3/Disciple of Baalzebul 5/Bayushi Deceiver 2/Invisible Blade 5

Ability Scores

Str 8/Dex 14/Con 10/Int 18/Wis 10/Cha 14


Bluff 10, Diplomacy 8, Gather Information 4, Sense Motive 6


A single kukri


Murky Eyed, Inattentive


You add your Intelligence to nearly everything.

Strength, Dexterity and Skill Checks and Initiative benefit directly from this ability. Not only that, but you add Intelligence to damage, twice to your AC, to your HP, and your Sneak Attack too.

You can spend an Inspiration to add Intelligence to your attack roll, and with ability to summon an Osyluth for flanking to aid in your Sneak Attack, you can deal tremendous damage.

Throw on free action feints, and that aforementioned Intelligence bonus to Bluff checks and you’re contender for the ultimate Intelligence-based character.

1Factotum12Faerie Mysteries Initiate(Passions), Able Learner, Darkstalker, Disciple of DarknessInspiration, Cunning Insight, Cunning Knowledge, Trapfinding
2Swashbuckler1d10+4Weapon Finesse
3Monk1d8+4Carmendine Monk, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning StrikeAC Bonus(Int), Unarmed 1d6, Flurry of Blows
4Factotum1d8+4Arcane Dilettante(1 Spell), +1 Int
5Factotum1d8+4Brains over Brawn, Cunning Defense
6Factotum1d8+4Improved InitiativeArcane Dilettante(2 Spells), Cunning Strike
7Swashbuckler1d10+4Grace +1
8Swashbuckler1d10+12Insightful Strike, +1 Int
9Disciple of Baalzebul1d6+5Weapon Focus(Kukri)Tongue of the Devil
10Disciple of Baalzebul1d6+5Sneak Attack +1d6
11Disciple of Baalzebul1d6+5Suggestion
12Disciple of Baalzebul1d6+5Point-Blank ShotSummon Osyluth, +1 Int
13Disciple of Baalzebul1d6+5Sneak Attack +2d6
14Bayushi Deceiver1d8+5Sneak Attack +3d6, Poison Use
15Bayushi Deceiver1d8+5Far ShotStrike First, Strike Last
16Invisible Blade1d6+21Dagger Sneak Attack +1d6, Unfettered Defense, +1 Int
17Invisible Blade1d6+6Bleeding Wound
18Invisible Blade1d6+6CravenDagger Sneak Attack +2d6, Uncanny Feint(Move Action)
19Invisible Blade1d6+6Feint Mastery
20Invisible Blade1d6+6Dagger Sneak Attack +3d6, Uncanny Feint(Free Action), +1 Int
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