Dread Necromancer – Witch-Knight – D&D 3.5

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As the undead army was annihilated and the Dread Emperor fled, the old woman who was watching from the borders of the forest sighed in relief.

She did not want to get involved in the affairs of this Age, as all she desired was to protect her dear forest.  Unfortunately, such a conquering force would have inevitably stumbled into her forest, and she was still bound to repel any invader from it.

Walking slowly back to her hut, she took the form of a younger woman and glanced at her crystal ball.  All too soon, she would receive two sisters that would ask her a question. A question which she really did not want to answer.

As such, she had to prepare a way to frighten them to the point of fleeing, as was her usual tactic…


Venerable Human Necropolitan


Dread Necromancer 5/Abjurant Champion 5/Dread Witch 5/Nightmare Spinner 5

Ability Scores

Str 9/Dex 8/Con -/Int 13/Wis 18/Cha 18


Bluff 4, Knowledge(Arcana) 3, Intimidate 4, Sense Motive 4


A Chain Shirt


Anyone else pretending they are better than you at Fear effects? Show them this build.

You are fear incarnate.

All your fear effects bypass fear immunity. You can send enemies cowering as a move action or send them nightmares that kill them in their sleep.  The more their fear increases, the stronger your own spells become. This is a ridiculously strong build and the best Intimidancer build I can reasonably make without involving shenanigans.

1Dread Necromancer12Combat Casting, Dreadful WrathCharnel Touch, Rebuke Undead
2Dread Necromancer1d12Lich Body DR 2
3Dread Necromancer1d12Arcane Disciple(Dream)Negative Energy Burst
4Dread Necromancer1d12Advanced Learning, Mental Bastion +2, +1 Cha
5Dread Necromancer1d12Fear Aura
6Dread Witch1d12Unnatural Will, Imperious CommandMaster of Terror
7Dread Witch1d12Absorb Fear
8Dread Witch1d12Fearful Empowerment 1/Day, +1 Wis
9Dread Witch1d12Arcane Disciple(Mind)Delay Fear, Greater Master of Terror
10Dread Witch1d12Fearful Empowerment 2/Day, Horrific Aura, Reflective Fear
11Nightmare Spinner1d12Bonus Spells, Immunity to Fear, Inspire Fear
12Nightmare Spinner1d12Arcane Disciple(Water)Nightmare Phantasm, +1 Str
13Nightmare Spinner1d12Spirit Chill
14Nightmare Spinner1d12
15Nightmare Spinner1d12Improved InitiativeDeadly Nightmare
16Abjurant Champion1d12Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration, +1 Dex
17Abjurant Champion1d12Swift Abjuration
18Abjurant Champion1d12Skill Focus(Concentr ation)
19Abjurant Champion1d12Arcane Boost
20Abjurant Champion1d12Martial Arcanist, +1 Dex
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