Dread Necromancer – The Hivemind – D&D 3.5

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The Hivemind

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The Hivemind

As the undead army got closer to the Capital, it was assaulted by spider swarms. Their number was so great, that the Emperor looked on in utter disbelief as his grand undead army was consumed by the tidal wave of arachnids.  So many of them, in fact, they were more numerous than the stars in the sky – truly too numerous to count.

In his distraction, he missed a single female Drow who floated upward and before him on his zombie dragon mount.  She was covered in rags and vermin of various sorts chittering over her.

This strange woman chided him – him! The Undead Emperor, scourge of life itself – “I am sorry, but I made a promise to a certain girl to protect this kingdom while she is away. Would you kindly go back to your lands now?”


Lolthtouched Drow


Dread Necromancer 8/Verminlord 10/Cancer Mage 2 (3 LA Buyback)

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 16/Con 14/Int 16/Wis 11/Cha 19


Heal 3, Hide 6, Knowledge(Nature) 2, Move Silently 6


A Hand Crossbow, a Rapier, a Chain Shirt


Vulnerable, Slow


Ok, ok, ok. Verminlord at lvl 10 gets the ability to form (and be part of) a hivemind.

A hivemind gains Intelligence, Charisma, and Sorcerer caster levels as well as feats and skills per x amount of members. You start with a 16HD Vermin Familiar, which can have 500+members. Which, just by itself, gets you a sorcerer caster level of 342.  Yes, you read that right – your caster level, in a game that goes to maybe level 40 with epic levels… goes to three-hundred and forty-two at a minimum.

You then cast Gate several times to summon more swarm, stacking them together to increase your hivemind.

By level 20, you’ll rapidly reached a caster level in the 1000s of Googols.  This, in turn, allows you to cast epic spells and spam 9th level spells like someone else would cantrips. So, let’s add 2 levels of Cancer Mage to gain as much Strength, via vile disease shenanigans.

Why doing this combo with the Dread Necromancer and not Sorcerer? Sorcerers can’t fulfill the Vermin Lord Prerequisites by itself, whereas the Dread Necromancer can.

1Dread Necromancer8Tomb-Tainted Soul, At Home in the Deep, Mother CystCharnel Touch, Rebuke Undead
2Dread Necromancer1d6+2Lich Body DR 2
3Dread Necromancer1d6+2VerminfriendNegative Energy Burst 1/Day
4Dread Necromancer1d6+2Advanced Learning, Mental Bastion +2, Cha +1
5Dread Necromancer1d6+2Fear Aura
6Dread Necromancer1d6+2Great FortitudeScabrous Touch 1/Day
7Dread1d6+2Lich Body DR 4,
NecromancerSummon Familiar
8Dread Necromancer1d6+2Advanced Learning, Negative Energy Burst 2/Day, Undead Mastery, +1 Cha
9Vermin Lord1d6+2Poison ImmunityChitin +1, Vermin Servant 1 HD
10Vermin Lord1d6+2Blood Drain
11Vermin Lord1d6+2Spider Hand
12Vermin Lord1d6+5ToughnessChitin +2, Swarm Armor, +1 Cha
13Vermin Lord1d6+2Wings of the Vermin, Vermin Servant 4 HD
14Vermin Lord1d6+2Spider Legs
15Vermin Lord1d6+2Fell DrainChitin +3, Spew Vermin
16Vermin Lord1d6+2Poison, Pincer Claws, +1 Cha
17Vermin Lord1d6+2Vermin Servant 16 HD
18Vermin Lord1d6+2Fell AnimateChitin +4, Hivemind
19Cancer Mage1d6+2Sneak Attack +1d6, Disease Host
20Cancer Mage1d6+2Contagion, Cancerous Companion, +1 Cha
The Hivemind
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