Dread Necromancer – Blood Mage – D&D 3.5

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Blood Mage

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Blood Mage

The tower stood alone at the top of the mountain. It was the last bastion which would be able to signal to the Capital of Fall.  Although the guards were extremely well trained and had strong patrol routes, they were still only human.

Thus, they did not see the shadow moving amongst the patrols. As she finally arrived at the top of the rampart that housed the signal fire, she struck the two posted guards.

First, she charged and entered the closest guard’s body teleporting & exiting from other’s in a gory spectacle – his body exploded in viscera.

Once reformed, she quickly turned and sapped the remaining guard’s lifeforce leaving his desiccated corpse to slump to the ground.

All that remained was to destroy the pile of wood – securing the doom of Fall’s Capitol.


Half-Vampire Human


Dread Necromancer 9/Tainted Sorcerer 1/Blood Magus 10 (2 LA Buyback)

Ability Scores

Str 17/Dex 14/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 18


Concentration 4


A Longsword, a Chain Shirt.


You make the most of spontaneous casting with Blood Metamagic, paying the cost of metamagic not in spell slots but with HP/Con drain.

You can teleport via blood, create an Homonculi Servant and you use your Taint Score for spellcasting. That Taint Score can get very high, indeed.

1Dread Necromancer11Improved Initiative, Tomb-Tainted Soul, ToughnessCharnel Touch, Rebuke Undead
2Dread Necromancer1d6+2Lich Body DR 2
3Dread Necromancer1d6+2Great FortitudeNegative Energy Burst 1/Day
4Dread Necromancer1d6+2Advanced Learning, Mental Bastion +2, +1 Str
5Tainted Sorcerer1d8+2Blood Component, Taint Suppression, Tainted Metamagic, Tainted Spellcasting
6Blood Magus1d6+2Fell AnimateBlood Component, Durable Casting, Stanch
7Blood Magus1d6+2Scarification
8Blood Magus1d6+2Death Knell, +1 Con
9Blood Magus1d6+2Fell DrainBlood Draught
10Blood Magus1d6+2Homunculus
11Blood Magus1d6+2Bloodseeking Spell
12Blood Magus1d6+14Maximize SpellThicker than Water, +1 Con
13Blood Magus1d6+3Awaken Blood
14Blood Magus1d6+3Infusion
15Blood Magus1d6+3Ability Focus(Blood Walk)Bloodwalk
16Dread Necromancer1d6+3Fear Aura, +1 Con
17Dread Necromancer1d6+3Scabrous Touch 1/Day
18Dread Necromancer1d6+3Fell FrightenLich Body DR 4, Summon Familiar
19Dread Necromancer1d6+3Advanced Learning, Negative Energy Burst 2/Day, Undead Mastery
20Dread Necromancer1d6+23Negative Energy Resistance, +1 Con
Blood Mage
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