Dread Necromancer – Bad Touch Lady – D&D 3.5

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Bad Touch Lady

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Bad Touch Lady

The guards entered the haunted house carefully. There were words of undead creatures spawning everywhere in the city, and a hunch from their captain had led them here. They heard whispers upstairs, a mother who seemingly was comforting her child.

‘No, do not worry little one, no one will harm you, the evil men are gone.’

One of the guards rushed upstairs, ‘kidnapped victims?’ he thought. He broke open the door with a crack – seeking out where the hushed whispers originated from.

As the light of his torch illuminated the scene, a chill ran down his spine.  The sight of the thing who was sitting in a rocking chair, froze the hardened veteran of the guard in his steps.

She – it? – was caressing an old, dusty doll.  A scream of horror got stuck in his throat, he could not move – nor even utter in his terror.

‘No one will hurt you again my dear’, the thing said to the doll.

Rising from the chair slowly, this monstrosity started making its way towards the guard…


Daelkyr Half-Blood


Dread Necromancer 8/Dragon Disciple 10/Soul Eater 2

Ability Scores

Str 16/Dex 12/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 15


Knowledge(Arcana) 8


Chain Shirt


Shaky, Murky Eyed


Dragon Disciple allows you to become a half-dragon. The shadow dragons are one species of dragon whose breath weapon deal not damage, but negative levels. Between your Breath Weapon, your claw and bite each dealing negative levels, and your Enervation Spells? You can reduce most living targets into soulless husks in a round or two.

1Dread Necromancer8Symbiont Mastery, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Darkstalker, Improved InitiativeCharnel Touch, Rebuke Undead
2Dread Necromancer1d6+2Lich Body DR 2
3Dread Necromancer1d6+2Power AttackNegative Energy Burst 1/Day
4Dread Necromancer1d6+2Advanced Learning, Mental Bastion +2, Str +1
5Dread Necromancer1d6+2Fear Aura
6Dragon Disciple1d12+2AlertnessNatural Armor +1
7Dragon Disciple1d12+2+2 Str, Claws and Bite
8Dragon Disciple1d12+2Breath Weapon (1 Negative Level), +1 Str
9Dragon Disciple1d12+2Weapon Focus(Claws)+2 Str, +2 Natural Armor
10Soul Eater1d8+2Energy Drain
11Dragon Disciple1d12+2Blindsense 30ft.
12Dragon Disciple1d12+14Multiattack+2 Con, +1 Str
13Dragon Disciple1d12+3Breath Weapon (2 Negative Levels), Natural Armor +3
14Dragon Disciple1d12+3+2 Int
15Dragon Disciple1d12+3Improved Energy DrainWings
16Dragon Disciple1d12+3Blindsense 60ft, Dragon Apotheosis, +5 Str, +2 Cha, +4 Natural Armor
17Dread Necromancer1d6+3Scabrous Touch 1/Day
18Dread Necromancer1d6+3Dragon’s Breath, Retrain Alertness for Spell DrainLich Body DR 4, Summon Familiar
19Dread Necromancer1d6+3Advanced Learning, Negative Energy Burst 2/Day, Undead Mastery
20Soul Eater1d8+3Soul Strength, +1 Str
Bad Touch Lady
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