Dragon Shaman – Tiamat’s Warleader – D&D 3.5

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Tiamat’s Warleader

As the team made their way through the cult’s base, suddenly, a loud scream, as if five dragons had roared together, shook the entire cavern. Out of the shadows emerged a Draconic Hobgoblin, wielding a mace in the image of his unholy goddess – Tiamat. He pointed it towards the team.

-Leave, and I might spare you.

The Half-Dragon and his Golden brother replied in unison

-Surrender, and we might spare YOU.


Draconic Hobgoblin


Dragon Shaman 10/Talon of Tiamat 10 (2 LA Buyback) Str 10/Dex 10/Con 22/Int 8/Wis 8/Cha 20


Bluff 4, Intimidate 4, Knowledge(Arcana) 4


Heavy Mace, the best armor you can get, a shield.


You are the fury of Tiamat incarnate. Both a capable leader with a Dragon’s Frightful Aura, the ability to borrow her Breath Weapons for you to use, and the capability to wield her relics, make you a more than capable frontliner, despite your lower strength.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Dragon Shaman 16 Dreadful Wrath Draconic Aura +1, Totem Dragon (Red)
2 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Skill Focus(Bluff)
3 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Dragonthrall Draconic Adaptation
4 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Breath Weapon 2d6, Draconic Resolve, +1 Cha
5 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Imperious Command Draconic Aura +3
6 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Breath Weapon 3d6, Touch of Vitality (Heal Wounds)
7 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Breath Weapon (Cone of Cold)
8 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 True Believer Voice of the Dragon +2, +1 Cha
9 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Breath Weapon (Line of Acid)
10 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Keen Senses
11 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Breath Weapon (Cone of Corrosive Gas)
12 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Immunities, Voice of the Dragon +4, +1 Cha
13 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Breath Weapon(Line of Lightning)
14 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Quicken Breath Keen Senses, Frightful Presence
15 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Breath Weapon(Cone of Fire)
16 Talon of Tiamat 1d8+6 Dominate Dragon, Voice of the Dragon +6, +1 Cha
17 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Maximize Breath Natural Armor +1
18 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Skill Focus(Appraise ) Breath Weapon 4d6
19 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Energy Immunity
20 Dragon Shaman 1d10+6 Breath Weapon 5d6, Draconic Aura +3, Cha +1


Tiamat’s Warleader, Warleader
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