Dragon Shaman – Nest Guard – D&D 3.5

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Nest Guard

As the two women and the gnome made their way in the seaside cave, they were stopped by a sudden glimmer. The woman dressed in white’s jaw dropped at the sight of the gigantic gold hoard. Upon which a small golden dragon was sitting.  The dragon, himself, was lightly curled around a golden half-dragon in plate armor who had a gigantic sword on his back.  This half-dragon was reading the dragon a story about knights and princesses.

-Hey, sorry to bother the two of you, but I got here two real damsels who need aid.

As the gnome finished his sentence, the young gold dragon jumped with excitement, and turned its head toward the half-dragon.

-Big brother! We need to help them! Please?

The half-dragon looked at them, then at the dragon, let out a sigh.

-Alright, alright, let’s hear them out.




Dragon Shaman 7/Half-Dragon Paragon 3/Dragonkith 10 (3 LA Buyback)

Ability Scores

Str 26/Dex 10/Con 16/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 16


Knowledge(Arcana) 4


The best armor you can get, at first a spear and a shield, eventually a tower shield, plate armor and a two handed sword(that you will be wielding in one hand due to monkey grip)


You are a powerful half-dragon, extremely capable in melee with your gigantic sword and your AC in the middle stratosphere. You have a Gold Dragon companion, and you are bound to him so that part of his powers become yours too. You don’t cast spells but he does, and he can share them with you, making you essentially both his master and his familiar in a weird way. A terrifyingly effective tag team.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Dragon Shaman 13 Alertness, Endurance Draconic Aura +1, Dragon Totem (Gold)
2 Half-Dragon Paragon 1d12+3 Sorcerous Blood
3 Half-Dragon Paragon 1d12+3 Power Attack Natural Armor Increase
4 Half-Dragon Paragon 1d12+3 Breath Weapon 3/Day, +1 Con
5 Dragon Shaman 1d10+3 Skill Focus(Swim)
6 Dragon Shaman 1d10+3 Dragon Breath Draconic Adaptation
7 Dragon Shaman 1d10+3 Breath Weapon 2d6, Draconic Resolve
8 Dragon Shaman 1d10+11 Draconic Aura +2, +1 Con
9 Dragon Shaman 1d10+4 Dragon Cohort Breath Weapon 3d6, Touch of Vitality(Heal Wounds)
10 Dragonkith 1d8+4 Scales +1, Telepathic Plea
11 Dragonkith 1d8+4 Mighty Attack +1d6
12 Dragonkith 1d8+4 Heavy Armor Proficiency Detect Treasure, Energy Resistance 5, +1 Con
13 Dragonkith 1d8+4 Scales +2, Telepathic Link
14 Dragonkith 1d8+4 Mighty Attack +2d6
15 Dragonkith 1d8+4 Tower Shield Proficiency Sorcerous Knack
16 Dragonkith 1d8+20 Scales +3, Energy Resistance 10, +1 Con
17 Dragonkith 1d8+5 Mighty Attack +3d6
18 Dragonkith 1d8+5 Monkey Grip Energy Resistance 15, Share Spells
19 Dragonkith 1d8+5 Scales +4
20 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Natural Armor +1, +1 Con
Nest Guard
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