Dragon Shaman – Kobold King – D&D 3.5

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Kobold King

As the Talon of Tiamat lay on the ground, defeated, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

-What now? Asked the brass ronin, while kicking the body of their foe.

-Now? You die, squealed a tiny voice from the entryway.

As they turned, they saw a single white kobold with dragon wings, wearing armor, standing a few feet away.

-This is a joke right? You are going to kill the six of us? Laughed the gnome.

-Yes, simply answered the kobold, who suddenly jumped at the half-dragon, shifting into a velociraptor, knocking him prone in the process.




Werefleshraker 4/Dragon Shaman 5/Battle Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple 10(2 LA Buyback)

Ability Scores

Str 10/Dex 14/Con 18/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 10


Knowledge(Arcana) 8


Shaky, Murky Eyed


A spear, armor, a shield.


You are a Were-Velociraptor/Dilophosaurus hybrid Half-Dragon who can pounce and attack targets for simply outright ridiculous damage and a fear effect that can send targets cowering. Add to this your breath weapon, the fact that you can fly and cast(admittedly minor) spells and you are possibly, apart from pun-pun the strongest Kobold in existence, and you are surprisingly terrifying both in melee and as a leader.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Dragon Shaman 14 Battle Jump, Skill Focus(Intimidat e), Dreadful Wrath Draconic Aura +1, Totem Dragon(White)
2 Fleshraker 1d8+4 Improved Natural Attack(Claws), Track Lycanthropy, Shape Change, DR 10/Silver
3 Fleshraker 1d8+4 Power Attack
4 Fleshraker 1d8+4 +1 Str
5 Fleshraker 1d8+4
6 Battle Sorcerer 1d8+4 Battle Caster Summon Familiar
7 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Natural Armor +1
8 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Str +3, Claws and Bite
9 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Leaping Attack Breath Weapon 2d8
10 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 +2 Str, Natural Armor +2
11 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Blindsense 30ft.
12 Dragon Disciple 1d12+16 Multiattack +2 Con, +1 Str
13 Dragon Disciple 1d12+5 Breath Weapon 4d8, Natural Armor +3
14 Dragon Disciple 1d12+5 +2 Int
15 Dragon Disciple 1d12+5 Imperious Command Wings
16 Dragon Disciple 1d12+5 Dragon Apotheosis, +5 Str, +2 Cha
17 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Skill Focus(Hide)
18 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Dragon Breath Draconic Adaptation
19 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Breath Weapon 2d6, Draconic Resolve
20 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Draconic Aura +2,+1 Str


Kobold King
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