Dragon Shaman – Dragon Warrior – D&D 3.5

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Dragon Warrior

It seems they will be coming soon, the dwarven dragonborn whispered to himself, while hidden in a crevasse in the ceiling of the cavern where the cult of Tiamat was operating. He had learned from his gnome friend the situation and had vowed to help. High up in the cavern, he had remained unnoticed, his bastard sword dangling at his hip.

The silence broken, the alarm was raised!

His sharp teeth showing in a smile, he drew his flame blade as he jumped down with a scream on the two panicking guards.



Dragonborn of Bahamut Dwarf


Dragon Shaman 7/Dragon Samurai 10/Ronin 3 Str 15/Dex 10/Con 20/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 12


Knowledge(Arcana) 2


The best armor and shield you can afford, and a spear at first, eventually a Bastard Sword.


You are a great melee combatant, and your auras help you turn the field to your advantage. As a Dragon Samurai Ronin, your charges can deal a ridiculous amount of damage.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Dragon Shaman 15 Battle Jump Draconic Aura +1, Totem Dragon(Brass)
2 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Skill Focus(Bluff)
3 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Power Attack Draconic Adaptation
4 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Breath Weapon 2d6, Draconic Resolve, +1 Str
5 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Draconic Aura +2
6 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Improved Sunder Breath Weapon 3d6, Touch of Vitality(Heal Wounds)
7 Dragon Shaman 1d10+5 Natural Armor +1
8 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Dragon Breath, Resistance to Energy 5, +1 Str
9 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Combat Brute Dragon Friend
10 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Immune to Dragon Fear
11 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Elemental Weapon +1d6
12 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Bast ard Sword) Resistance to Energy 10, +1 Str
13 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Dragon Ride
14 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Resistance to Energy 15
15 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Blind-Fight, Leap Attack
16 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Elemental Weapon +2d6, +1 Str
17 Dragon Samurai 1d10+5 Resistance to Energy 20
18 Ronin 1d10+5 Quicken Breath Infamy, Sneak Attack +1d6
19 Ronin 1d10+5 Banzai Charge
20 Ronin 1d10+5 +1 Str
Dragon Warrior
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