Battle Dancer – Shadow Acrobat – D&D 3.5

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Shadow Acrobat

The halfling jumped from the tower heading toward the ground at rapid speed, but as he was about to crash on the ground, he disappeared into his own shadow, only to reappear in a corner of the stables. He then proceeded to scale the wall from a window and jumped into a murderhole, making sure no one would see him. Using a method of approach that would seem impossible to anyone wearing armor, and helping himself with his power over the very shadows, he made his way to the treasury. The lock on the door didn’t stop him from much longer either. Finally, the Sun Ruby would be his, and he would be the most famous thief in the city.

As he approached the pedestal on which the ruby should have be on display, surrounded by pile of gold and silver pieces, he stopped dead in his tracks. The ruby was nowhere to see. Instead, on the pedestal, a piece of paper was delicately placed there, with only two words accompanied by a kiss mark in velvet red lipstick:

“Too Slow.”




Battle Dancer 4/Halfling Paragon 3/Shadowdancer 10/Thief-Acrobat 3

Ability Scores

Str 10/Dex 18/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 15


Balance 8, Climb 8 Hide 10, Jump 8, Move Silently 8, Perform(Dance) 5, Tumble 8


Poor Reflexes, Murky Eyed


Nothing, though you could do worse than get yourself a sling.


You are one of the best acrobat builds in the game, capable of using your Tumble skill to approach almost any target others would call impossible”. While your fists, due to your small size, deal less damage, you have up to three shadows that can deal with enemies for you. Your Hide skill is ridiculously high and you can switch to a sling and deal more than decent damage by virtue of you being a Halfling Paragon. You are however yourself less of a fighter, your shadows do that for you, you are instead a skirmisher and a scout par excellence.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Battle Dancer 10 Weapon Finesse, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Mobility AC Bonus(Cha), Unarmed 1d4
2 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Dance of Reckless Bravery
3 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Combat Reflexes
4 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Speed +10, Unarmed 1d6, +1 Cha
5 Halfling Paragon 1d6+2 Athletic Prowess, Save Bonus
6 Halfling Paragon 1d6+2 Darkstalker Thrown Weapon Mastery
7 Halfling Paragon 1d6+2 +2 Dex
8 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Hide in Plain Sight, +1 Dex
9 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Spring Attack Evasion, Darkvision, Uncanny Dodge
10 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Shadow Illusion, Summon Shadow
11 Thief-Acrobat 1d6+2 Fast Acrobatics, Kip Up, Steady Stance
12 Thief-Acrobat 1d6+2 Acrobatic Strike Agile Fighting +1/+2, Slow Fall 20ft., +1 Dex
13 Thief-Acrobat 1d6+2 Acrobatic Charge, Defensive Roll 1/Day
14 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Shadow Jump 20ft.
15 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Evasive Target Defensive Roll, Improved Uncanny Dodge
16 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Shadow Jump 40ft., Summon Shadow, +1 Dex
17 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Slippery Mind
18 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Improved Initiative Shadow Jump 80ft.
19 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Summon Shadow
20 Shadowdancer 1d8+2 Shadow Jump 160ft., Improved Evasion, +1 Dex
Shadow Acrobat, Shadow Acrobats
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