Battle Dancer – Ravager – D&D 3.5

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Fires and tempo from the war drums were sending the warband into a frenzy, in a terrifying, elaborate dance interspaced with horrid screams. As the chief of the ravagers, a scarred and heavily tattooed half-orc, leading the dance, touched the captured knights, who recoiled in agony at the mere contact of the looming half-orc.

As the chants and dancing rose in intensity, the tortures reached new summits until, as the victims of the ravagers were set afire, the dance came to an abrupt stop and the warband exctased in their screams. So focused they were at this ritual sacrifice to their unholy god, they never noticed one amongst them had disappeared into the night, as if she never was there.




Battle Dancer 4/Half-Orc Paragon 3/Human Paragon 3/Ravager

Ability Scores

10 Str 17/Dex 14/Con 14/Int 6/Wis 10/Cha 14


Tumble(As high as Possible), Intimidate 3, Knowledge(Religion) 3, Survival 4




As a battle dancer, your methods are much cruder, yet they are extremely effective, as you are capable of inflicting much pain with but a touch. You can sunder enemy armors and weapons with your bare fists, and even deal Constitution damage, killing your enemies much faster.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Battle Dancer 10 Lion Tribe Warrior, Improved Unarmed Strike AC Bonus(Cha), Unarmed 1d6
2 Half-Orc Paragon 1d8+2 Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mien
3 Half-Orc Paragon 1d8+2 Power Attack Rage 1/Day
4 Half-Orc Paragon 1d8+2 +3 Str
5 Human Paragon 1d8+2 Adaptive Learning
6 Human Paragon 1d8+2 Improved Sunder, Superior Unarmed Strike Unarmed 1d8
7 Human Paragon 1d8+2 +2 Str
8 Ravager 1d10+2 Pain Touch 1/Day, +1 Str
9 Ravager 1d10+2 Flying Kick Aura of Fear 10ft. 1/Day
10 Ravager 1d10+2 Cruelest Cut 1/Day
11 Ravager 1d10+2 Pain Touch 2/Day
12 Ravager 1d10+2 Circle Kick Aura of Fear 20ft. 2/Day, +1 Str
13 Ravager 1d10+2 Cruelest Cut 2/Day
14 Ravager 1d10+2 Pain Touch 3/Day
15 Ravager 1d10+2 Improved Natural Attack Aura of Fear 30ft. 3/Day, Unarmed Strike 2d6
16 Ravager 1d10+2 Cruelest Cut 3/Day, +1 Str
17 Ravager 1d10+2 Visage of Terror
18 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 Combat Brute Dance of Reckless Bravery
19 Battle Dancer 1d8+2
20 Battle Dancer 1d8+2 +10 Speed, Unarmed 3d6, +1 Str


Ravager, Ravagers
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