Bard – Song of Creation – D&D 3.5

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Song of Creation

They retrieved the scroll, but none of them could decipher it. Only the older brother of the two noblemen however, had a clue of who could decipher the thing.

-I will bring it to the Archmage, she will know what to do with this, he explained to the group. They all looked at him with awe

-You…know the Archmage? Asked the young shaman amongst them.

-What is she like? Asked the female warlord excited.

-To be an archmage, one has to be a string wizard like you no? Stated the barbarian champion with a tone of pride for his party.

-Oh yes, she is, nodded the young nobleman before teleporting to the guild’s tower with the scroll. He shook his head. Poor of them, if only they knew. He knocked on the Archmage’s door.

-Its open dearie! Made a female voice from inside.

He entered the room and saw the archmage, sitting on the floor with scrolls of music songs around as she tuned her lute.

The man discreetly facepalmed at the sight. His ego would never live that the greatest mage in the realm was a traveling bard…




Bard 10/Sublime Chord 5/Archmage 5

Ability Scores

Str 10/Dex 16/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 16


Knowledge(Arcana) 15, Listen 13, Perform 10, Profession(Astrologer) 6, Spellcraft 15


Chain Shirt, a Rapier, a musical instrument of your choice.


Yep, you are an Archmage of great power, capable of casting 9th level spells and using the Archmage prestige class.

As a flippin’ bard.

So not only are you fairly decent in melee and ranged, but you are also one of the best spellcasters in the entire game.

I just love the thought of being a bard archmage to confuse the everliving crud of your party. As a primary arcane spellcaster, there are very few things you can’t do. As a bard you can heal and as a sublime chord you can cast all those juicy 7-9th level spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell lists, and with your Higher Arcanas+Spellfire Wielder, you are up there as one of the strongest spellcasters in 3.5, which completely destroys the idea that bards are merely tier 3…

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Bard 8 Skill Focus(Spellcraft), Spellfire Wielder Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1
2 Bard 1d6+2
3 Bard 1d6+2 Weapon Finesse Inspire Competence
4 Bard 1d6+2 +1 Cha
5 Bard 1d6+2
6 Bard 1d6+2 Snowflake Wardance Suggestion
7 Bard 1d6+2
8 Bard 1d6+2 Inspire Courage +2, +1 Cha
9 Bard 1d6+2 Spell Focus (Evocation) Inspire Greatness
10 Bard 1d6+2
11 Sublime Chord 1d6+2
12 Sublime Chord 1d6+2 Spell Focus(Enchantment) Song of Arcane Power, +1 Cha
13 Sublime Chord 1d6+2
14 Sublime Chord 1d6+2
15 Sublime Chord 1d6+2 Maximize Spell
16 Archmage 1d4+2 Mastery of Shaping, +1 Cha
17 Archmage 1d4+2 Spell Power
18 Archmage 1d4+2 Quicken Spell Arcane Reach
19 Archmage 1d4+2 Mastery of Elements
20 Archmage 1d4+2 Arcane Fire, +1 Cha
Song of Creation
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