Bard – ScaleCore Maestro – D&D 3.5

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ScaleCore Maestro

In an inn, not all that far away from whence stood the Free City, a small gnome with golden scales and a pair of draconic wings was playing his lute, and singing the story of two sisters and two brothers who together would do everything in their power to stop the dark army who ravaged the lands.

His music sparked illusion magic who, for a moment, calmed the hearts of all those who had lived through the carnage of that dreadful night…




Bard 10/Dragon Disciple 10

Ability Scores

Str 8/Dex 16/Con 16/Int 10/Wis 10/Cha 16


Knowledge(Arcana) 8


Chain Shirt, a Rapier, any musical instrument, a Light Crossbow


As a core class, one of the builds must use core only material. A Bard/Dragon Disciple make possibly the best core only jack of all trade build, highly capable skill-monkey, a more than decent variety of spells, both for battlefield control, debuffs, buffs, healing, even damage, the ability to fly, good melee damage via natural weapons, and a breath weapon you keep in your backpocket. And still capable at long range with your crossbow, and surprisingly tanky too with d12 HDs and a high Con score. There are few roles you cannot cover(if at all, which I would argue that no there ain’t).

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Bard 9 Spell Focus(Enchantment) Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Fascinate, Counterspell, Inspire Courage +1
2 Bard 1d6+3
3 Bard 1d6+3 Weapon Finesse Inspire Competence
4 Bard 1d6+3 +1 Cha
5 Bard 1d6+3
6 Bard 1d6+3 Greater Spell Focus(Enchantment) Suggestion
7 Bard 1d6+3
8 Bard 1d6+3 Inspire Courage +2, +1 Cha
9 Bard 1d6+3 Improved Initiative Inspire Greatness
10 Bard 1d6+3
11 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 Natural Armor +1
12 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 Combat Casting Claws and Bite, +2 Str, +1 Cha
13 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 Breath Weapon 2d8
14 Dragon Disciple 1d12+3 Natural Armor +2, Str +2
15 Dragon Dragon 1d12+3 Multiattack Blindsense 30ft.
16 Dragon Disciple 1d12+19 +2 Con, +1 Cha
17 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Breath Weapon 4d8, Natural Armor +3
18 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Power Attack +2 Int
19 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Wings
20 Dragon Disciple 1d12+4 Dragon Apotheosis, Blindsense 60ft., +4 Str, Natural Armor +4, Cha +3, Breath Weapon 6d8
Core-Only Bard, ScaleCore Maestro
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