Bard – Orc Warlord – D&D 3.5

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Orc Warlord

He had waited for this. He watched the group of adventurers go down the hill, back toward the Capital.The massive orc clad in spiked armor had received his orders, and he would lead his troops to victory. He let out a powerful warcry, and charged, grabbing his greataxe in both hands as he began chanting an orcish war song. A hundred against seven, there was no chance they would fail.


Half-Orc Savage


Bard 4/Half-Orc Paragon 3/War Chanter 5/Orc Paragon 3/Orc Warlord 5

Ability Scores

Str 17/Dex 10/Con 10/Int 13/Wis 10/Cha 14


Intimidate 8, Perform(Sing) 6, Ride 5, Survival 5


At first a War Drum, eventually a Greataxe and the best medium armor with armor spikes you can find.


You are 100% a war bard alright. You can still cast a few low level spells, but your main focus is charging into melee with your greataxe and spiked armor, and “twf” with them via Axespike, with your downright immense strength bonus, while having a literal army behind you.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Bard 6 Combat Expertise Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1
2 Bard 1d6
3 Bard 1d6 Power Attack Inspire Competence
4 Bard 1d6 +1 Str
5 Half-Orc Paragon 1d8 Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mien
6 Half-Orc Paragon 1d8 Leadership Rage 1/Day
7 Half-Orc Paragon 1d8 +2 Str
8 Orc Paragon 1d10 Improved Darkvision +30ft., +1 Cha
9 Orc Paragon 1d10 Weapon Focus(Greataxe) Elfslayer
10 Orc Paragon 1d10 +2 Str
11 Warchanter 1d8 Inspire Toughness, War Chanter Music
12 Warchanter 1d8 Might Makes Right +1 Cha
13 Warchanter 1d8 Inspire Recklessness
14 Warchanter 1d8
15 Warchanter 1d8 Weapon Focus(Armor Spike) Combine Songs
16 Orc Warlord 1d12 Gather Horde 150%, +1 Cha
17 Orc Warlord 1d12 Inspire Courage
18 Orc Warlord 1d12 Axespike Gather Horde 200%
19 Orc Warlord 1d12
20 Orc Warlord 1d12 Final Rage, +1 Cha
Orc Warlord, Orc Warlords
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