Barbarian – The Primeval Being – D&D 3.5

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The Primeval Being

The young man was hiding in a tree, observing the cave man go out of his cave with only a spear and a club to hunt. He had been studying him for a month now. The lonely, hirsute man was barely wearing a few pelts, yet he always came back with incredible prey. The young man had come a long way to understand his inner fire, and the fight with the bandits was months behind him now. But he still didn’t quite understand that rage inside of himself. And thus he watched the caveman, trying to understand it all.

That’s when he saw the caveman coming back running to the cave completely unarmed, as a massive girallon pursued him. He hesitated a moment. Should he intervene? In his moment of indecision, the cave man turned around and landed a surprise uppercut to the girallon, knocking it a few feet backs. That delay was all the caveman needed, as his form shaped in that of a cave lion he pounced on the beast and turned it into ribbons. The young man had never seen such ferocity. As the caveman turned back in his normal form, he let out a victorious scream before looking directly at the young man which almost made him fall from his branch.

-See? THIS is what you were missing. Now come down, I cannot eat this beast alone.




Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian 4/Fist of the Forest 3/Human Paragon/Primeval 10

Ability Scores

Str 20/Dex 12/Con 16/Int 8/Wis 10/Cha 8


Survival 5, Intimidate 4, Handle Animal 5, Knowledge(Nature) 5 Flaws(2): Murky Eyes, Shaky


A greatclub


Be Grug. Don’t like long nose tribe. Chieftain wants to take clubs. Grug become big cat. Eat chieftain. Now Grug Chieftain. All tribe gets club.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Barbarian 15 Great Fortitude, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack Pounce, Illiteracy, Rage 1/Day
2 Barbarian 1d12+3 Uncanny Dodge
3 Barbarian 1d12+6 Improved Toughness Trap Sense +1
4 Barbarian 1d12+4 Rage 2/Day, +1 Str
5 Fist of the Forest 1d10+4 AC Bonus, Feral Trance 1/day, Fast Movement, Primal Living, Unarmed 1d8
6 Fist of the Forest 1d10+4 Endurance Improved Uncanny Dodge, Untamed Strike
7 Human Paragon 1d8+4 Adaptive Learning
8 Human Paragon 1d8+4 Self-Sufficient +1 Str
9 Primeval 1d10+4 Leap Attack Primeval Form 1/Day, Animal Empathy
10 Primeval 1d10+4 Regression 1, Low-Light Vision
11 Primeval 1d10+4 Feral Power
12 Primeval 1d10+4 Improved Sunder Primeval Form 2/Day, Str +1
13 Primeval 1d10+4 Regression 2, Scent
14 Primeval 1d10+4 Feral Power 2
15 Primeval 1d10+4 Combat Brute Primeval Form 3/Day
16 Primeval 1d10+4 Regression 3, Fast Movement, +1 Str
17 Primeval 1d10+4 Feral Power 3
18 Primeval 1d10+4 Improved Initiative Primeval Form 4/Day, Primeval Shapechanger
19 Human Paragon 1d8+4 +2 Strength
20 Fist of the Forest 1d10+4 Feral Trance 2/Day, Scent, +1 Str
The Primeval Being, The Primeval, Primeval Being
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