Barbarian – The Pouncer – D&D 3.5

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The Pouncer

The young man, after his crushing defeat against the old man, understood that he was missing something no school could teach him, but he couldn’t understand what he was missing. His travelling companion, a young half-orc, was teasing him about it. Suddenly, she stopped and asked him

-Do you really wish to know what it is you are missing? The young man, hesitated a moment, before nodding.

-Very well then, she said as she grabbed her halberd. We are currently surrounded by bandits. Watch me, and you will know what you are missing.

She then ran straight to a tree and, without breaking speed, ran up against it, before jumping down in a bush, the joy of battle on her face, as her halberd, as a guillotine, spelled doom to the hidden bandit.

As he pulled his sword and the other bandits came out of hiding, he clutched his sword closely. He looked at her, and as he saw the smile on her face as she leaped high in the air, he felt the fire inside him that he was missing until now.




Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian 11/Dungeoncrasher Fighter 6/Half-Orc Paragon 3

Ability Scores

Str 20/Dex 12/Con 14/Wis 10/Int 10/Cha 6




Halberd. Aim to get a Valourous Halberd of Vaulting Specifically


This build is the toned down version of Red Raiding Hood(yes. Toned down. I will let you imagine at full power how ridiculous RRH is). Essentially your goal is to jump on your enemies, which is considered a charge for you, which allows you to pounce, so make all your attacks, and as a charge, you can activate Headless Charge, Leap Attack, Battle Jump, and your Valourous Halberd of Vaulting which makes you do so much damage reality breaks. Don’t believe me?

LvL 20, not raging. Walk up a wall, then jump down on target. Pounce. Use shock trooper for Power Attack into your AC instead of Atk bonus. Assuming no other magic item than a +1 Valourous Halberd of Vaulting.


5d10+465 damage per attack. Yes. Per Attack.

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Barbarian 14 Battle Jump Pounce, Rage 1/Day, Illiteracy
2 Barbarian d12+2 Uncanny Dodge
3 Barbarian d12+2 Power Attack Trap Sense +1
4 Barbarian d12+2 Rage 2/Day, +1 Str
5 Barbarian d12+2 Improved Uncanny Dodge
6 Half-Orc Parangon d8+2 Leap Attack Divided Ancestry, Monstrous Mien
7 Half-Orc Parangon d8+2 Rage 3/Day
8 Half-Orc Parangon d8+2 +3 Str
9 Fighter d10+2 Improved Bullrush, Heedless Charge
10 Fighter d10+2 Dungeon Crasher
11 Barbarian d12+2 Trap Sense +2
12 Fighter d10+2 Shock Trooper +1 Str
13 Fighter d10+2 Improved Sunder
14 Barbarian d12+2 Damage Reduction 1/-
15 Fighter d10+2 Wild Talent
16 Fighter d10+2 Dungeon Crasher, +1 Str
17 Barbarian d12+2 Rage 4/Day
18 Barbarian d12+2 Up the Walls Trap Sense +3
19 Barbarian d12+2 Damage Reduction 2/-
20 Barbarian d12+2 Greater Rage
The Pouncer, Pouncer
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