Barbarian – The Berserker – D&D 3.5

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The Berserker

Years had passed after the young man trained to master his inner rage with the caveman and his duel with the Platinum Tribe Chieftain, now his wife. Since then, he had travelled the world, and fought in countless battles, each time winning against even more impossible odds. Soon, he was no longer the man challenging others to improve himself, but others came to him to challenge themselves. He never lost a battle. Not against any warrior, or any spellcaster.

For his calm exterior of a now aged man past his prime, hid the raging inferno of the last true berserker, until one day, a young man challenged him to a duel. At first, he was about to defeat him like countless others, his wife behind him, her arms crossed smirking, when he noticed the young warrior in front of him was standing in the same style, from the same school he had studied all those years ago. He turned to his wife, a small smile on his face, before he turned again to face the young challenger. As their swords crossed, he smiled.

-You’re good kiddo. One day you might even defeat me.

As his scars burned brightly before he vanished from the young warrior’s sight. He slowly walked behind him. Truly, he had found a worthy heir.

-But alas, you are not quite good enough, he said, all smile as the young warrior jumped out in surprise, unable to see him.




Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian 6/Frenzied Berserker 4/Runescarred Berserker 10

Ability Scores

Str 18/Dex 10/Con 14/Int 10/Wis 15/Cha 9


Craft(Scarring) 5, Intimidate 5, Sense Motive 2, buy off Illiteracy, Jump


Inattentive, Vulnerable

Spells Known, in order of acquisition

  • LvL 1: See Invisibility, Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection from Evil, Divine Favour LvL 2: Darkvision, Invisibility, Protection from Energy, Keen Edge
  • LvL 3: Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Air Walk
  • LvL 4: Greater Invisibility, Spell Immunity, Righteous Might
  • LvL 5:Antimagic Field, Heal


A Greatsword, medium armor, the tears of your enemies, the laments of their women driven before you.


I…am legit terrified by this build. As a Frenzied Berserker your rage is now eternal, as long as you Frenzy, you cannot die from hp damage. Only disintegrating you or an instant death spell can kill you.

That in itself is already terrifying, but frenzy has a drawback in that if you kill all your enemies before it ends, you turn on your allies too, so work with your party in advance for that.

But all that isn’t even what truly terrifies me. The only thing more terrifying than a Frenzied Berserker, is a Frenzied Berserker within an Antimagic Zone.

Which you can use with your Runescars. Making you completely immune to the only things that can kill you. You can even use Death Ward before that so even if someone somehow manages to destroy your Antimagic Field, your suppressed Death Ward immediately reactivates to protect you against instant death effects. Add a Heal Runescar to heal yourself a hundred and fifty hp, then cast another antimagic zone, all while raging/frenzying.

Congratulation, you are as close to “unkillable” as D&D 3.5 gets.

Level Guide

Level Class HD Feat Special
1 Barbarian 14 Power Attack, Cleave, Destructive Rage, Intimidating Rage Pounce, Rage 1/Day
2 Barbarian 1d12+2 Uncanny Dodge
3 Barbarian 1d12+2 Iron Will Trap Sense +1
4 Barbarian 1d12+2 Rage 2/Day, +1 Str
5 Barbarian 1d12+2 Improved Uncanny Dodge
6 Barbarian 1d12+2 Ettercap Berserker Trap Sense +2
7 Frenzied Berserker 1d12+2 Diehard Frenzy 1/Day
8 Frenzied Berserker 1d12+2 Supreme Cleave
9 Frenzied Berserker 1d12+2 Survivor Frenzy 2/Day
10 Frenzied Berserker 1d12+2 Deathless Frenzy
11 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Scribe Runescars
12 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Improved Bullrush Rage 3/Day
13 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Ritual Scarring +1
14 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Spawn of the Frost, DR 1/-
15 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Shock Trooper Rage 4/Day
16 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Ritual Scarring +2
17 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 DR 2/-
18 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Robilar’s Gambit Greater Rage
19 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 Rage 5/Day, Ritual Scarring +3
20 Runescarred Berserker 1d10+2 DR 3/-
The Berserker, Berserker
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