D&D 3.5 Dragon Shaman Dragon Warrior Build: Melee Aura

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  • Understand the unique level progression of the Dragon Shaman Dragon Warrior build.
  • Discover the ideal gear to equip as you advance through the levels.
  • Learn combat strategies that leverage your draconic auras and abilities.
  • Explore the strengths and weaknesses of the build to maximize your potential.
  • Find out how to integrate the Dragon Warrior theme into your roleplaying experience.

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Dragon Warrior

Level Distribution of Dragon Warrior

Starting at level 1, you’re more than just a warrior; you’re a force of nature with a draconic aura that bolsters your allies. With each level gained, your connection to your totem dragon deepens, enhancing your combat prowess and the support you provide to your team. Here’s a sneak peek into your journey:

Click on the level for more information

At level 1, the Dragon Shaman from the Dragon-Warrior build is a formidable frontline combatant thanks to the Draconic Aura, which empowers him and his allies. Equipped for melee with a spear, the focus is on leveraging his strength and constitution in battle.

Stat Block Level 1:

Dragon Shaman: male, Dragonborn of Bahamut Dwarf, Dragon Shaman 1; CR 1; Medium humanoid (dragonborn dwarf); HD 1d12+5; hp 17; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk +3 melee (1d8+2, spear) or +1 melee; Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+2, spear); SA Draconic Aura +1; SQ Totem Dragon (Brass), Breath Weapon usable 1/day (15-ft. cone, 2d6 fire, Reflex DC 14 half); AL Lawful Good; SV Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats:

Knowledge (Arcana) +2; Battle Jump. Draconic Aura (Su): As a swift action, change aura to one of vigor (allies gain +2 on melee damage) or senses (allies gain +2 on spot and listen checks). Totem Dragon (Brass): Grants a breath weapon. Battle Jump (Feat): Doubling damage if attacking from above.
Possessions: Spear, best armor and shield affordable.

At level 5, the Dragon Shaman has significantly enhanced abilities. With a stronger Draconic Aura, an intensified Breath Weapon, and Touch of Vitality, this build supports allies and delivers powerful direct combat capabilities.

Stat Block Level 5:

Dragon Shaman: male, Dragonborn of Bahamut Dwarf, Dragon Shaman 5; CR 5; Medium humanoid (dragonborn dwarf); HD 5d12+25; hp 57; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +7 melee (1d8+4, Bastard Sword) or +5 melee; Full Atk +7 melee (1d8+4, Bastard Sword); SA Draconic Aura +2, Breath Weapon usable 1/day (15-ft. cone, 3d6 fire, Reflex DC 16 half); SQ Totem Dragon (Brass), Touch of Vitality (Heal Wounds 10 points/day), Natural Armor +1; AL Lawful Good; SV Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats:

Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Improved Sunder; –. Draconic Aura (Su): As a swift action, change aura to vigor (+2 on melee damage) or senses (+2 on spot and listen checks). Touch of Vitality (Su): Heal wounds up to 10 points per day as a standard action. Breath Weapon (Su): A powerful attack emanating fire in a 15-ft. cone.
Possessions: Bastard Sword, best armor and shield affordable.

By level 10, the Dragon Shaman turned Dragon Samurai brings formidable enhancements into play, boasting immunity to dragon fear and specialized abilities such as Dragon Friend and Resistance to Energy. These features, combined with high resistance and robust physical attributes, create an almost indomitable warrior on the battlefield.

Stat Block Level 10:

Dragon Samurai: male, Dragonborn of Bahamut Dwarf, Dragon Shaman 7/Dragon Samurai 3; CR 10; Medium humanoid (dragonborn dwarf); HD 10d12+50; hp 115; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +10; Grp +12; Atk +16 melee (1d10+6, Bastard Sword) or +12 melee; Full Atk +16/+11 melee (1d10+6, Bastard Sword); SA Dragon Breath, Immune to Dragon Fear; SQ Totem Dragon (Brass), Dragon Friend, Resistance to Energy 5, Enhanced Natural Armor +1; AL Lawful Good; SV Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 17, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats:

Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Combat Brute; –. Dragon Breath (Su): A powerful draconic breath attack. Immune to Dragon Fear (Ex): Immunity to fear effects generated by dragons. Dragon Friend (Ex): Allied dragons do not attack unless provoked. Resistance to Energy (Ex): Reduces energy-based damage by 5.
Possessions: Bastard Sword, best armor and shield affordable.

By level 15, this Dragon Samurai offers a robust presence in any combat scenario. Equipped with increased resistances, advanced melee capabilities due to feats like Blind-Fight and Leap Attack, and enhanced elemental weapon features, this build commands the battlefield, mastering both defense and attack.

Stat Block Level 15:

Dragon Samurai: male, Dragonborn of Bahamut Dwarf, Dragon Shaman 7/Dragon Samurai 8; CR 15; Medium humanoid (dragonborn dwarf); HD 15d12+75; hp 172; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 25; Base Atk +15; Grp +17; Atk +22 melee (1d10+7, Bastard Sword) or +15 melee; Full Atk +22/+17/+12 melee (1d10+7, Bastard Sword); SA Elemental Weapon +1d6, Dragon Breath; SQ Totem Dragon (Brass), Resistance to Energy 15, Blind-Fight, Leap Attack; AL Lawful Good; SV Fort +14, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 19, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats:

Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Blind-Fight, Leap Attack; –. Elemental Weapon (Su): Adds 1d6 elemental damage to weapon attacks. Dragon Breath (Su): A destructive breath weapon attack. Blind-Fight (Feat): Engage in combat without suffering usual penalties for fighting blind. Leap Attack (Feat): Increases damage when making a jump attack. Resistance to Energy (Ex): Reduces energy-based damage by 15.
Possessions: Bastard Sword, best armor and shield affordable.

At level 20, the Dragon Samurai Ronin build reaches its peak with maximized melee strike power and strategic features, including a Quicken Breath for rapid fire breath deployment and a Banzai Charge for overwhelming attack surges. Together, these allow this character to dominate the battlefield and effectively utilize both sword and supernatural abilities.

Stat Block Level 20:

Ronin: male, Dragonborn of Bahamut Dwarf, Dragon Shaman 7/Dragon Samurai 10/Ronin 3; CR 20; Medium humanoid (dragonborn dwarf); HD 20d12+100; hp 230; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 28; Base Atk +20; Grp +22; Atk +28 melee (1d10+8, Bastard Sword) or +20 melee; Full Atk +28/+23/+18/+13 melee (1d10+8, Bastard Sword); SA Quicken Breath, Banzai Charge, Elemental Weapon +2d6; SQ Totem Dragon (Brass), Infamy, Sneak Attack +1d6, Resistance to Energy 20; AL Lawful Good; SV Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +6; Str 20, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats:

Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword); –. Quicken Breath (Ex): Use breath weapon with a reduced cooldown. Banzai Charge (Ex): Charge attack that increases damage dealt. Elemental Weapon (Su): Adds 2d6 elemental damage to weapon attacks. Resistance to Energy (Ex): Reduces energy-based damage by 20.
Possessions: Bastard Sword, best armor and shield affordable.

Key Milestones in Level Advancement

  • Level 1: Begin with Draconic Aura +1 and Totem Dragon (Brass), giving you and your allies an edge in combat.
  • Level 4: Your Breath Weapon evolves, dealing more damage and your Strength increases, thanks to Draconic Resolve.
  • Level 8: Transition to Dragon Samurai, gaining Dragon Breath and Resistance to Energy, alongside a boost to Strength.
  • Level 12: Master the Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the Bastard Sword and enhance your resistance to energy attacks.
  • Level 16: Your Elemental Weapon damage spikes, and your Strength continues to rise, making you a fearsome combatant.

As you progress, your gear should evolve with you. Start with the basics and build up to the legendary:

  • Levels 1-4: Arm yourself with sturdy armor, a shield, and a spear to maximize your frontline capabilities.
  • Levels 5-8: Upgrade to a Bastard Sword and seek out armor enhancements to bolster your natural armor.
  • Levels 9-12: Look for gear that increases your energy resistances and boosts your aura effects.
  • Levels 13-16: Invest in items that enhance your charge attacks and breath weapon, like boots of the battle charger.
  • Levels 17-20: Acquire artifacts and relics that empower your draconic heritage and maximize your damage output.

Combat Strategies of Dragon Warrior

Core Tactics for Maximizing Build Potential

Most importantly, always be mindful of your aura choices. Your Vigor aura boosts melee damage, perfect for when your party is on the offensive. When defense is a priority, switch to the Senses aura to enhance your allies’ perception. Your Draconic Adaptation provides versatility, ensuring you’re prepared for any environment.

Because your build is a frontliner, remember to position yourself where you can deal the most damage while also protecting your allies. Power Attack and Improved Sunder feats let you break through enemy defenses, while your breath weapon offers a powerful area-of-effect option.

Example: In the heat of battle, as a horde of goblins charges, you activate your Vigor aura, bolstering your allies’ strikes. Then, with a mighty roar, you unleash your breath weapon, scorching the front line of your foes.

Party Synergy

Remember, a great warrior knows the strengths of their allies. Your auras are a force multiplier, so communicate with your party to determine which aura will be most beneficial in the moment. Whether it’s boosting their damage or sharpening their senses, your role is to enhance the party’s overall effectiveness.

Optimal Aura Use in Various Combat Scenarios

Here’s how you can leverage your auras in different combat scenarios:

  • Dungeon Crawls: Use the Senses aura to navigate traps and hidden enemies.
  • Open Field: Switch to Vigor to maximize damage output during large skirmishes.
  • Ambushes: Quickly activate the Senses aura to detect hidden assailants.
  • Defensive Stands: The Vigor aura can turn a defensive position into a counter-attack opportunity.
  • Urban Encounters: Adapt your aura to the environment, using Senses in narrow alleys and Vigor in open plazas.

Strengths & Weaknesses of Dragon Warrior Build

Every build has its highs and lows, and the Dragon Shaman Dragon Warrior is no exception. Let’s delve into what makes this build formidable and how to tackle its challenges.

Limited RangeClose distances quickly or have ranged allies provide cover.
Dependency on AurasCoordinate with allies to protect and maintain your aura usage.
Resource ManagementUtilize these abilities strategically and at the most impactful moments.
Less Versatility in Non-CombatDevelop other skills or rely on your party for these situations.
Energy Resistance FocusEnhance your defenses with appropriate gear or magic items.

Roleplaying Themes

Embrace the lore of dragons in your world, aligning your character’s backstory and actions with the majestic and fearsome nature of these creatures. Whether you’re a noble guardian or a wrathful avenger, let the dragon’s legacy guide your path.

Cultural Influence & Traditions

  • Perform a dragon-inspired ritual before entering battle to honor your totem dragon.
  • Collect treasures and items of significance, mimicking the hoarding nature of dragons.
  • Adopt a code of honor that reflects the majesty and nobility of dragonkind.
  • Seek wisdom and knowledge about dragons and share it with your party to strengthen your bond.
  • Wear armor or carry a weapon that bears draconic symbols or is crafted in the likeness of dragons.
Dragon Warrior


What are the ideal scenarios to deploy the Dragon Warrior build?

The Dragon-Warrior build excels in situations where you can maximize the use of your auras and breath weapon. This includes large-scale battles, encounters with multiple foes, and any scenario where your allies can benefit from the buffs provided by your draconic presence. The build is particularly effective when you’re the frontline in combat, leading the charge and setting the pace of the battle.

How do you overcome the inherent weaknesses of the Dragon Warrior build in combat?

Understanding your weaknesses is the first step to overcoming them. As a Dragon Warrior, you may find ranged combat and magical assaults to be challenging. To mitigate this, you should:

  • Coordinate with your party to cover your blind spots, ensuring they can handle threats from afar.
  • Invest in magic items that offer protection against spellcasting and ranged attacks.
  • Use the environment to your advantage, seeking cover when necessary and closing distances quickly.
  • Train in skills that can help you navigate the battlefield more effectively, like Tumble or Jump.
  • Stay aware of enemy spellcasters and prioritize them as targets to reduce the magical threat.

Can the Dragon Warrior build be flexible in terms of role-play and backstory?

The Dragon-Warrior build offers a rich canvas for role-playing and backstory. You could be a noble knight sworn to an ancient dragon, a reformed bandit seeking redemption through the way of the dragon, or even a scholar who has uncovered the secrets of draconic might. The key is to weave the draconic elements into your character’s history and personality, creating a backstory that is both unique and fitting for a warrior of such stature.

What are some tips for leveling up a Dragon Warrior effectively?

When leveling up your Dragon-Warrior, focus on enhancing your strengths and addressing your weaknesses. Here are some tips:

  • Allocate ability score increases to Strength and Constitution to bolster your combat effectiveness and survivability.
  • Select feats that complement your combat style, such as those that enhance your charging or two-handed weapon use.
  • Choose skills that round out your capabilities, giving you options both in and out of combat.
  • Seek out equipment and magic items that amplify your draconic abilities and auras.
  • Plan your level progression to ensure you’re gaining the abilities and bonuses that best suit your playstyle.

How does the Dragon Warrior build impact party composition and strategy?

Your presence as a Dragon Warrior has a significant impact on party composition and strategy. Your auras provide buffs that can dictate the flow of battle and influence your allies’ tactics. As such, you should:

  • Communicate with your party to understand their needs and how your auras can best support them.
  • Coordinate with other frontliners to create a formidable line of defense that can also deal devastating damage.
  • Ensure that your party has a balanced composition, with members capable of covering the areas where you are less effective.
  • Develop strategies that leverage your strengths, such as initiating combat with a powerful charge or using your breath weapon to control enemy movement.

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